When I was searching for religion, post Witness life, I spent a few months studying Mormon faith. While I found it interesting, I also found it comical in their believes. Yet until I found this cartoon on youtube, it was hard to explain how Mormons see the origin of man without cracking up. I can tell you, with all confidence, that this cartoon is exactly in line with what the Mormons believe. You might find it interesting ...
Mormons, the origin of man. (video)
by free2beme 31 Replies latest jw friends
Jesus and his brother Lucifer? LOL
Remember in this years election, Mike Huckabee asked a reporter in regards to Romney (LDS), ...
"Don't the Mormons believe Jesus and the Devil are brothers?"
... people were in a uproar and called him a hate monger and the Mormon church said they had to redefine their position to not let people misunderstand. Did you know what they redefined that to mean ... they stated that while the comments were true, unless someone was of Mormon faith and took this out of context, it would not make sense. They never said it was wrong, as it is the way they believe. This cartoon is exactly the way they believe, I learned it from a Mormon first hand ... long before I watched this.
From video "Endless celestial sex," .....
WOW! Sounds kinky!
Well duh! everyone knows God lived near Pleiades until 1953 !
Kolob what will those wacky Mormons think of next!
The JW's can at least claim to follow the bible BUT the Mormons base their religion on the writings of a proven con man and try to pass it on as the word of God...if you think JW apologists are a hoot try Mormon apologists it is astounding...
What a shame that someone took the time to make a cartoon video containing so many intentional errors and distortions. I suppose they knew most people wouldn't catch any of that but would only be amused, entertained and have their mistaken notions about Mormon beliefs reinforced.
Ah, well. No real surprise. They weren't actually trying to illuminate anything, but just to scare the curious away. Too bad they didn't feel they could accomplish the same thing by sticking strictly to the facts.
Makes me proud to be LDS if this is the best our enemies can come up with.
choosing life
So, SusanHere, what exactly are the distortions and errors in this video? I am interested as I have talked to Mormons and did find some of what they told me they believe. Could you point out the mistakes?
What a shame that someone took the time to make a cartoon video containing so many intentional errors and distortions.
Typical Mormon apologist response. Claim it is false but do not point out what is false. And don't ask us to prove anything we believe ie. vast civilizations that existed with NO evidence they did exist...
Typical Mormon apologist response. Claim it is false but do not point out what is false. And don't ask us to prove anything we believe ie. vast civilizations that existed with NO evidence they did exist...
I was not shocked. Small things might be wrong ... however the major things are right there. Yet wont point out the small things! LOL I will tell you, I have talked to a large number of Mormons and the ones willing to be honest about their religion and tell the truth have all said things like this cartoon shows and I saw nothing missing. The others, always rejoiced in the persecution and seemed happy with this stuff and found it faith strengthening (At least on the outside). However they are more then willing to point out, some beliefs you have to be Mormon on to believe. Kind of like saying, "You have to be completely stoned to get this joke dude!"
Well, just a few off the wall ones they used that were most glaringly obvious...
The quote where Joseph Smith said he did more for mankind than anyone, even Jesus Christ. Total misquote. Very common one and a favorite of our enemies. What he actually said was that he, Joseph Smith, had done more for mankind than anyone save Jesus Christ. Save in this case means "except". Hmmmmm. awfully big difference.
Of course, for him to say he did more for mankind than anyone except Jesus Christ just doesn't have the shock value required, does it? The most he could be accused of there is arrogance.
Another quick one ... They said Jesus was married, named his wives, showed picture of him with his wives and many children, as though this was our doctrine. It is not. It is the opinion of Orson Pratt an no one else. He is entitled to his opinion, but not entitled to speak for the Church. The Church has never given a statement regarding this issue. It is pure speculation.
I loved the part about the celestial sex. That's such a favorite topic of our enemies. It's so wonderfully lurid and even sleazy. Great for mockery but not as valid research. There is nothing to indicate that procreation anywhere other than this world is as it is on this earth. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Another obvious one is that "Elohim and one of his spirit wives" came to earth to begin the human race. Ummmm, no, that was Michael, who was not married prior to coming to Earth, and a daughter of God who we know only as Eve, who was also unmarried prior to mortality.
All this is so basic. There is no way anyone could make these mistakes except either intentionally, or through research centered entirely on the anti sources who continue to make these absurd statements. Go to LDS.org and look it up for yourself.
Other than those and a few other really laughable misquotes, it was interesting.
I'm so glad my tithing money does not go toward any basher videos, pamphlets, books, seminars or classes mocking and distorting the beliefs of other religions. In fact, we don't discuss them or their beliefs at all, except to say that they are nice people, too. I really like that. If other religions choose to throw their member's donation money away on hate-inducing trash, that's between them and whatever God they worship.