Official speculation thread...
Even if a reason is given for the meeting rearrangement when it is announced on 4/27, we all know how the Society spins things (e.g., Awake magazine being reduced to one issue per month to "put more emphasis on the Bible" )...the reason given won't be the real reason.
So why is the Society doing this? On the surface, it seems to be a loosening of control. One less evening tied up per week, one less position of authority in the congregation (if no more private CBS's, no more CBSO's), reduced meeting time at the Service meeting (when they usually do their most forceful scolding of the flock), etc.
But "loosening of control" seems to fly in the face of the micromanagement climate of the past decade or so (you vill not go to college, you vill stay at the recommended hotels, you vill not join Myspace, you vill dress like a 19th century schoolmarm when visiting Bethel, etc.).
So what gives? What's the real reason behind this apparent loosening of the bonds? Whatever it is, "concern for the publishers" is assuredly not it.
Any ideas out there? I'm stumped.