Big Announcement could be a Sting against JWD

by OnTheWayOut 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am sure some of you remember speculation in the past that the Borg would
    start false letters to smoke out the elders that are passing on the information
    to the evil apostates.

    "A big announcement on April 24th" sounds like it could fit the bill. Hand a few
    bogus letters out to see what gets posted. We are certainly having fun with this
    supposed CBS/TMS/Serv. Mtg. combination. What if the whole announcement is
    just something stupid about the conventions or the preaching work?

    I truly know nothing. I am just saying, "We don't know for sure what they will say
    before they say it." A few have "confirmed" the announcement, yet only the PO is
    supposed to know (so only the PO, his wife, and anyone they told in each cong. would
    actually know).

  • DT

    If it is a sting, we need to document and advertise the fact the the WTS knowingly sent out false information. I think it would make them look insecure and dishonest. However, I think there has been enough confirmation that it's probable that the rumors are generally correct. I guess we will find out for sure soon.

  • joebin

    mission impossible theme song in the background would make this topic really exciting..

  • OnTheWayOut

    You asked for it. I love the internet. You can find out or do anything.

    mission impossible theme song in the background would make this topic really exciting..
  • Hope4Others


    Mission Impossible music.

    I think they feel they almost need the to do something out of desperation to stop the leaks.


    edit to add: your too fast, have not figured our the embedding yet.

  • joebin

    LOL thanks, didn't know you could do that.

  • BurnTheShips

    They ain't that smart OTWO.

    They don't do disinformation campaigns.


  • DT

    They ain't that smart OTWO.

    They don't do disinformation campaigns.

    Not for apostates anyways. The design their disinformation campaigns for their own members.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Mission Impossible music.

    I embedded a more "original" MISSION IMPOSSIBLE sound, but here's
    a classier one:


  • Terry

    The Public Enemy Number One for Jehovah's Organization is the free expression of ideas to its membership without the filter of censorship first.

    Until the advent of the Internet it was virtually impossible to assemble enough actual evidence in full view of the dishonesty of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society over its long history demonstrating changes in wording, policies, doctrines, historical manipulations, false statements, etc.

    The QUOTES website was the first to feel the smackdown of censorship. This is for a very good reason. You can easily refute the premise of Jehovah's approval and direction on this religion by plainly showing its history of quotations from its own publications!

    The moles inside the Kingdom Halls feeding and channeling information to the outside terrifies the Org/Borg. The recent changes in how information is disseminated illustrates their panic and determination to CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL every aspect of JW's lives.

    Control is an obsession with dictatorships and repressive regimes.

    FREE EXPRESSION is only possible where free minds are allowed to participate unfettered by censorship and reprisals.


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