Interesting summation.
We are frozen in Corbonite times with vapidity laced tatoos festooning bubble-gum teenyboppers in a show of hairless crotch fantasies.lol..How could I ever disagree with that.
People of our generation are accused of 'being stuck in the 70's'. I can but disagree. I am stuck in innovation and quality. Frankly, politically, musically and creatively the 60's and early 70's were by far the most interesting times that I have lived through, and I have a couple of decades to compare them with! That is not to say that there are not some stellar musicians out there, but few can fight the pimps and the Siren's call of a mortgage free life.
I'm shocked that younger people JUDGE each other by what music they listen to!
Music has become a T-shirt, a membership card and gang sign more than an intellectual participation in the artist's consciousness.
Wasn't it Duke Ellington who said there are only two kinds of music? (Good and Bad.)
Variety of expression is one thing, but, singularity of conception is another. I find so much that is derrivative that it saddens me.
The hip-hop "beat" hasn't varied much for ten years. Why does that bore me and thrill them?
Music seems manufactured around the hit to the extent it is souless cut and paste hook pandering plugged into the face-du-jour.
The unique voice, the epiphany viewpoint, the outside angle thinkers are out there--but, they are consigned to the shadows by trendspotters and fangbang vampire promotion mavens sucking originality out and leaving the lifeless corpse of mediocrity to accept the Top Artist awards.