just looking for a bit of good advice, my daughter and son in law have been dfd and I have two great grandsons, elders on patrol realise have been communicating and are now arranging for a meet with CO in two weeks, they saw fit to remove what limited priveledges I still hold with all that stuff about disloyalty, sharer in wicked works etc. So now too visit and hug grandsons may release the damocletian sword, Are any of you guys stll in touch with close family even if still in - have you had major run ins with the BOE in similar situations.Oh, I dont need a get out clause for the moment.
Family situation
by frisbee 12 Replies latest jw experiences
I am sorry for your situation but you must think of your grandchildren first. They will suffer if you don't visit them anymore and that will cause serious damage to their ability to trust you. Not to mention the damage you do to your own child if you allow men to dictate your relationship.
Ask yourself which is worse: Following your natural inclination to love your family or cutting yourself off from loved ones because "men" tell you they are evil.
Bobbi -
Go hug those grandbabies, they need you!
No matter what the elders do to you, it will be worth it!
Hug your daughter and son in law too when you get through hugging the grandkids.
Yup them elders sure do love to FEED off 'others negatives' with that enormous WT pain body they lick up to!
You can just see them smilin away as they hand it all over like they did a good days work for god!
And their ego will never be satiated lest they let go of it and the WT!
You will be forever sorry if you sacrifice your relationship with your children and grandchildren for a man-made rule.
Wow! This JWs are incredible. Where is the love?
Hug, the grandkids, and keeping talking to your daughter and son in law... PLEASE!!!! My dad (the elder) recently decided to stop talking to me, and it hurts alot, because I'm about to get married to the woman of my dreams and we plan to have kids.
Don't be intimidated, the JWs have no business in family affairs. Each and every time they get involved in things such as these they only make things worse.
Listen to your heart and do the right thing...
They are immediate family and you are not discussing spiritual things.
Unless this rule has changed, new light, old
likelight, I just can't recall the right answer to that now.Cheers!
edit to add: Welcome to Jwd