Bottom Line: What Does This New Meeting Arrangement Really Mean?

by minimus 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus
  • snowbird

    The gig is just about up.


  • easyreader1970

    While speculation about it is fun, I am not even convinced that there is a new meeting arrangement yet. I have heard other reports that say it's just another "special campaign" announcement.

    I still go to the meetings, so you can imagine my joy if there actually is one less day I have to put on a suit and tie while they attempt to mind control me for an hour or two. But until I see hard evidence (scanned letter) or hear it from the platform, I am taking all of this with a grain of salt.

  • daniel-p

    Jesus %&$^#*@ Christ, how many more threads do we need on this? Oh, what the hell... here's my take: the "arrangement" is a modernization effort on the part of the younger GB members to make it easier to be a JW.

  • NewYork44M

    This change is bigger than Elvis!

    It is so big I think we should have many many more threads.

    In answer to this question. The change is an acknowledgement that attendance is down and everything they have done cannot make people come to the meetings.

  • Hope4Others

    Actually it means diddly squat nothing to me, since I do not go anyways.

    But it means Armageddon is almost here to the majority of jw's.


  • minimus

    Think about this: if what you've said is the bottom line, then that means the Organization is NOT trying to maintain control over the Witnesses. It's clear that the less time one has to invest at the meetings, the more other (worldly) opportunities arise. This is like shooting themselves in the foot. It's counterproductive UNLESS there's a different bottom line.

  • Layla33

    Honestly, I really don't know and it doesn't affect me personally. I just like to read it because as this whole fear/guilt apocalypse theme reaches a pinnacle, I want to be prepared/informed if anyone in my family starts discussing it with me.

  • DT

    I guess it means that 2/3 or more of the governing body agreed on something, probably after debating about it for many years. Time will tell if this is part of big plan or if it just a confused compromise between people with different agendas.

  • NewYork44M

    I don't go for most conspiracy theories. I don't think there is an ulterior motive.

    I don't believe it has anything to do with anything other than everyone is tired and the wt has given up beating the dead horse.

    Hey, but prove me wrong.

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