A priest can forgive your sins....BUT.....

by oompa 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    A high school custodian, an insurance salesman, and a mailman can tell you "no your sins are NOT forgiven, because we don't even believe you are really sorry. Sure you have said it over and over and cried, and appealed our decision that you are not really sorry, however not only us, but a window-washer, an old retired man who falls asleep a lot, and and Shaklee master distributor agree with US! You already had that one prior when you tenderly kissed Sister Jessicas left nipple ever so tenderly......so you are OUTTA HERE!".....................oompa

    So we fuss at Catholics for thinking they can forgive sins, but we don't see anything wrong with NOT forgiving when kids ask for it??????

  • Priest73

    You Called?

  • R.Crusoe

    In fact only you can forgive sins!

    Only your inner core can forgive till guilt/judgement is utterly gone!

  • dinah

    I hear ya, oopma---loud and clear.

  • R.Crusoe


    One word!

    Pain !

    A shorter word.

  • blkblk13

    I don't think that the Elders claim to have the power to forgive or not forgive sins. It's more of a matter of issuing or not issuing punishment. Only God can 4give sins and that pretty much the JW's stance on it.

    As most people who r regs on this site can c I am new here but have been "lurking" 4 a couple of days b/f I decided 2 post and I've noticed that there is this constant criticism of witnesses for not being educated or having lowly, manual labor jobs. And this may need 2 b an entirely seperate post but why the criticism? Many of Gods servants in the bible did not have a history of education or coming from high positions of power or wealth. Isn't that the message the Jesus gave us. To keep our eyes simple. When the young rich guy wanted to know how to b/c one of his followers he told him to get rid of his eartly possessions and follow him. The Disciples were fisherman that's not spectacular. On one hand witnesses r derided for being poor and uneducated but what does that have 2 do w/ being able to shepard the flock? What could college teach about that anyway? Besides alot of people on this site claim to have had their opportunities for higher education stripped away from them due to the society's restrictions and condemnation of this but now these same people claim that w/out a college education they have managed 2 glean things from the bible that the GB couldn't and they know more than the organization entirely. All this was somehow acheived while only using their personal knowledge and non-college traing thinking abilities. Isn't that contradictory? How can u look down on these "poor uneducated" men for being in positions of responsibility and, according to some on this site, not being qualified 4 them since they r just "window washers" w/ merely HS educations but @ the same time w/out any different set of qualifications you can criticize them? As someone still on the inside considering the possiblity of finding my way out I find this so strange.

  • dinah


    No, the elders don't claim they can extend forgiveness.

    A priest don't give you a free pass just because you are a great actor and look repentant or belong to an important family, or kill you just because you don't appear to be sorry enough for whatever it is that you did.

  • Hope4Others
    So we fuss at Catholics for thinking they can forgive sins, but we don't see anything wrong with NOT forgiving when kids ask for

    I have never agreed with confession to any human, including the sitting in front of elders. I believe personal sins for yourself, it is between you and the one

    above if you so believe. If we can forgive ourselves we can move forward, we do not need elders to tell us how we should feel, how we should have

    reacted to any situation they think they can corner a person on.



  • Honesty
    As most people who r regs on this site can c I am new here but have been "lurking" 4 a couple of days b/f I decided 2 post and I've noticed that there is this constant criticism of witnesses for not being educated or having lowly, manual labor jobs. blkblk13

    I wonder how anyone could come to such a conclusion.

  • Hope4Others
    What could college teach about that anyway? Besides alot of people on this site claim to have had their opportunities for higher education stripped away from them due to the society's restrictions and condemnation of this but now these same people claim that w/out a college education they have managed 2 glean things from the bible that the GB couldn't and they know more than the organization entirely. All this was somehow acheived while only using their personal knowledge and non-college traing thinking abilities. Isn't that contradictory

    Its called research, without the using only societys books, mags, nwt. There are a lot here that have had the opportunity to further their education now even at a late

    age. The fact is that many way back did work that also prevented them from being able to afford this area, let alone being looked down on if they so did. Because of

    course the big A is just around the corner and there is no time to pursue these dreams.



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