This is the problem I have with many things said in the Org. They can't tell you: "It is a sin, don't do it" But then they put all these
Christians do well to weigh such indications that God esteems their reproductive ability....these were not to be destroyed needlessly....
Christians... want to use ‘soundness of mind’ and shapetheir thinking and deeds by God’s esteem for reproductive potential...This would reflect maturesensitivity to Scriptural indications...Such a disturbing blemish on one’s reputation could, of course, affect a minister’s being qualified for special privileges of service, though that might not be so if one had in ignorance had this procedure performed.—1 Timothy 3:7.
You are still given the option to decide, but by the use of these words, how do you think one feels after reading all these negative adjectives and approach to your decision?
Then there's the "others" opinion. Nobody should care or feel that you are less spiritual than they are by choosing this methods of contraception. This is the problem, we can't think for ourselves. This bunch of dum dum's keep writing the Society for every decision the want to make, and whatever they say goes. That is why they take it upon themselves to decide over our lives what we should or shouldn' do. Aren't these people mature enough to decide for themselves using their own conscience.