I've always wanted to ask this question to those that have decided to leave the organization.
What will you do when the Great Tribulation begins?
Right now folks, A LOT is happening in the political world.
Gordon Brown (Prime miniter of England) last week gave a speech to the UN stating that it is time for the UN to step in and solve the world's problems, (specifically mentioning the economy and hunger crisis worldwide.)
Barrack Obama is shaping up to be the next president, a fellow who sure knows how to persuade and lead great crowds. No doubt he will be the other 'horn' of the beast that gives life to the UN, as Brown has already made his ideas and plans clear.
If you look carefully, Freemasonry (sun worshipping) has laid the foundation to begin executing their 'secret' plan to give life to the UN, it in turn substitute all currency with one, and finally substitute all religions with the Craft (or Freemasonry).
This fulfillment clearly follows the scriptural prophecy.
The 'sign' that Jesus communicated to his apostles is becoming incredibly intense (pains of birth) and the situation cannot possibly get better now. We've reached apparently a climatic point in history.
What will you folks do if you feel distanced from our God Jehovah and this Great Tribulation begins?