MissingLink and I read Steven Hassan's Combatting Cult Mind Control. It appears that the Moonies and other cults use similar lingo to the JW's like Truth and worldly people, etc. And shunning, recruiting new ones and many other concepts are comparable. This was news to me. I'd love to stick Hassan's book in some of our friends hands so that they could see the similarities but I don't reeeally think it'd be received too well. I was wondering if anyone had recommendations of nonfiction accounts of people that came out of other cults. I'm looking for instances where they do sound similar to the Dubs and hopefully use some of the lingo in it. It's hard to tell by browsing on Amazon what might be an accurate, entertaining, yet thought provoking read. I thought maybe I could innocently suggest it to some friends and then let them make their own deductions.
book recommendations?
by Switch 16 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Switch
Have you read Crisis if Conscience by Ray Franz a former GB member it a revealing book and a good read?
Regards David
Yes, we've both read that and we're half way thru his 2nd book. What she's looking for now is something that looking at the cover wouldn't make a dub wet their pants and run out of the house. Something that you could get a "faithful one" to open up and read to make them realize that their cult is very similar to other cults that they'd look down on. Combatting Cult Mind Control is really good, but the title is a bit freaky for a dub she thinks.
Tell them to watch "The Truman Show" and "The Village". Most witnesses don't read much anyway.
changeling :)
Tell them to watch "The Truman Show" and "The Village". Most witnesses don't read much anyway.
Interesting that you should say that. I was thinking of starting a thread on The Village earlier today. There is so much in common with the JW when you watch that movie.
That's a good idea -- the non-fiction story of someone leaving a cult that isn't JW's. It would be completely non-threatening, but it might trigger them a bit in the back of their minds.
If you find one, please post the title!
Oh, The Village! I forgot about that movie. I'd like to watch that again actually .
I know this might not be exactly what you are looking for, but I really enjoyed reading The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses. It has its flaws and it is probably too easily identifiable as apostate literature, but it is really quite funny in places and in parts reads almost like a light-hearted parody rather than your hard-core Evangelical or anti-cult style exposé of the Witnesses.
Eyes Open
Maybe there's something you could use at http://www.freedomofmind.com/.
Perhaps we should have a movie night. There were loads of other movie recomendations here. We were just talking about one of our friends who's not much of a reader. Maybe sitting down and watching a movie together with some talking afterwards would be more productive.