Just out of interest, what is your favourite, most comfortable style of dress sense now?
by Celtic 20 Replies latest jw friends
Just out of interest, what is your favourite, most comfortable style of dress sense now?
Warm and draft free----North America-winter you know.
"Vintage" jeans with an elastic waist that have been washed 5,320 times and a ratty old Packer t-shirt with beer and brat stains all over the front.
For just laying around the house, I like sweats. Nothing like a warm sweat suit in the winter.
"I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."
Overalls & a tee shirt or if it is cold a thermal shirt
Jeans and comfortable stuff. In black so I don't hafta worry about sissy co-ordination.
Expatbrit, almost a Goth class
I only wear a dress to Governing Body meetings that fall during a full moon. All the boys here at Bethel do that.
Black Levi's, black t-shirt, black dox. Outdoors, add my black leather jacket. Could you guess?
In fact, I have quite a few clothes in other colors as well, just to surprise people now and then. Wearing an orange sweater today!
For formal occasions (not often) my post-JW syndrome means I never wear a tie. I use a bowtie. I have a tailor made dark kashmir suit that is my favorite as it fits perfectly (as long as I don't lose more weight!). Add a silver silk shirt with a silver bowtie, and I'm ready to get drunk in style.
Wish list: a good overcoat that can sustain the crazy weather here and still look good. I want one of those Russian army style things; they're way cool!
- Jan
"Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets
hiphuggers and baby tees
As with a lot of my life since leaving the JW's.....I am much more adventurous in my clothing style than I was allowed as a JW. Certain elderly sisters would always complain to the elders about my dress, who would then talk to my husband. (I'm just a woman...can't talk to me directly, you know!) The problem? When I sat down my skirt would come to my knee. OH MY GOD! Or worse yet...you could see the outline of my nipples through my white shirt. HEAVEN FORBID!!! No one should ever know that women have nipples!
So now I love my short skirts to show off my legs, my low cut tops to show off the boobs, the short shirts to show off my stomach. And most of the time I'm with Harmony....low, low rise hiphuggers and a baby tee. Girl, I love your style!
And man do I have a love of funky shoes!