What kind of apostate are you? Take the quiz

by truthseeker 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Answer the following questions to find out how apostate you are. Only one answer the question is allowed. Take your time.

    1) What is your JW status

    a - I'm a fader b - I'm still in c - I'm inactive d - I'm disfellowshipped e - I'm disassociated

    a - yes b - no

    a - I attend all the meetings b - I attend most of the meetings c - I attend some of the meetings d - I miss most of the meetings e - I do not attend meetings

    a - I am a pioneer b - I am a regular publisher c - I am an irregular publisher d - I am inactive

    a - Count the time you were out deducting breaks b - Count the time you were out including breaks c - Make your time up

    a - Yes b - No

    a - Yes b - No

    a - Yes b - No

    a - Not bother looking at the lesson b - Read Blondie's WT review c - Watch V's WT study videos

    a - look for interesting points that prove the lesson is a crock b - give answers that indicate you're an independent thinker c - make a mental note to post comments on JWD d - I don't attend

    a - I asked my boss for the day off b - I could not get the day off c - I did not want the day off

    a - Stay at a hotel on the recommended lodging list b - Stay at a hotel of your choice c - Doesn't apply

    a - I was giving a fine witness b - I was embarassed to wear it c - I took my badge off

    a - I still believe it's the truth b - I believe that the Society is imperfect but God is using them c - I'll wait on Jehovah d - The Watchtower is not the truth

    a - I don't have doubts b - I have doubts but ignore them c - I've had lingering doubts for years d - The elders can't help me with my doubts

    a - I keep them to myself b - I mention doubts to my closest friends c - I go to the elders with my doubts

    a - Pretend you don't know what they are talking about b - Draw them out to get their real feelings c - Direct them to a Society publication you know will stumble them d - Tell them the truth

    a - No b - Yes c - Occasionally

    a - No b - Yes

    a - Yes b - No

    a - Definitely no! b - Some of the time c - All of the time

    a - No b - Sometimes c - As often as I can

    a - Tell no one b - Tell your family c - Tell your JW friends d - Tell the elders

    a - Of course they are b - I believe that they are sincere c - I don't have to answer this question d - That's between me and Jehovah e - Jehovah doesn't have an organization

    a - Yes b - No

    Add up your scores for each question

    2 a 5 b 0

    3 a 0 b 2 c 3 d 4 e 5

    4 a 2 b 1 c 3 d 5

    5 a 0 b 3 c 5

    6 a 0 b 3

    7 a 0 b 5

    8 a 5 b 0

    9 a 0 b 2 c 2

    10 a 2 b 3 c 5 d 1

    11 a 1 b 3 c 5

    12 a 0 b 5 c 0

    13 a 0 b 2 c 5

    14 a 0 b 2 c 3 d 5

    15 a 0 b 1 c 3 d 5

    16 a 0 b 2 c 5

    17 a 1 b 2 c 4 d 5

    18 a 0 b 2 c 5

    19 a 0 b 5

    20 a 5 b 0

    21 a 2 b 4 c 5

    22 a 0 b 3 c 5

    23 a 0 b 1 c 3 d 5

    24 a 0 b 1 c 2 d 3 e 5

    25 a 5 b 0

    If your score was between 6 and 15 you remain mostly loyal to the slave but might have some doubts

    If your score was between 16 and 30 you are not sure this is Jehovah's Organization and have many doubts

    If your score was between 31 and 40 you are on your way out

    If your score was between 41 and 50 you are a beginner apostate

    If your score was between 51 and 65 you are an apostate

    If your score was between 66 and 79 you are a hard core apostate

    If your score was between 80 and 90 you are "the son of destruction"

    If your score was over 90 you are an "enemy of truth"

  • yknot

    Wow I knew I was 'wicked naughty" but ........92 points!

  • justhuman

    Since is a long quiz I will answer in few words:

    I'm an evil apostate, disfellowshiped for apostasy 2 years ago, and I haven't step a foot on kindom hall more than 8 years

  • boyzone

    81 for me. I'm improving. A few I have to work on and some are good.

  • shopaholic

    My score was 58. That works for me.

  • Fadeout

    Is admitting I scored a 72 grounds for disfellowshipping? ;-)

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    I am hard core dude!!!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    1) d- Born in, never baptised.

    2) b- see above

    3) e

    4) d- No status, see 1)

    5) See 1)

    6) See 1)

    7) see 1)

    8) b

    9) d 'Borrowed' parents' mags and made ballpoint patterns in paragraphs similar to what they had.

    10) d- Counted flys

    11) d- They were made for me

    12) c- does not apply

    13) c- I was embarassed to wear it. But really d- I was forced to wear it.

    14) d - The Watchtower is not the truth

    15) d I have no doubts. The WT is all BS

    16) N/A

    17) c - Direct them to a Society publication you know will stumble them

    18) b - Yes

    19) a - No

    20) a - Yes

    21) b - Some of the time

    22) a - No, but only because there are none to attend.

    23) b - Tell your family c - Tell your JW friends

    24) e- Ask him a question that will make his brain explode.

    25) b - I am an Apostate campaign.

  • Sirona

    Since I don't attend at all, I can't answer most of those questions...

    I will score myself. I'm a 100.


  • hideme

    I had 65 points, so YES, I AM....

    But question no. 5 needs a c. answer: I don't fill in any time slips (That would be 5 points, I think)

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