We know the book study is about to be cut. I am reading talk here of the preaching work being declared "over" and possible changes in disfellowshipping policy.
Mickey Mouse....are you a visionary? Or is the WT just that predictable?
Isn't the changes in DF policy about to be reality according to latest rumor?
Question: Do you think they will thin the herd and then announce preaching work over?
What then?
Will there be an "inner circle" with the faded weeds kicked out?
Will inner circle meetings replace the BS?
According to what I have been reading there are going to be "pandemic drills" soon where agencies will coordinate with "faith based community" (and others) for distribution, etc.
If congregation has trouble reaching you now, they don't want to be responsible for contacting you during a drill exercise. I wonder if that figures into any of this. (???)
If they do develop an inner circle..very tight group...it will be a natural progression that you will be 'left out' because you are not keeping up.
Makes me think of the Freemasons. They claim to be "not a secret organization, but rather, an organization with secrets". That's how they bill themselves. Seems to be a similar pattern with WT.