Health Canada and the Fluoride Debate

by sammielee24 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24
    But the kind of fluoride found in tap water is a slow poison, and can prevent calcium from being absorbed and lead to more, not less, cavities.

    Exactly - no one has disputed the benefit of fluoride in fighting tooth decay but adding the chemical to an entire water supply that every person uses to drink, wash and use in agriculture is overkill since there never has been any data to prove that drinking the stuff has any benefit except to the big corporation that sells the garbage to the government. sammieswife.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    "Here is a photo of a bag I snatched from the water works here in town. This is the stuff that is being discussed in the video... the effects of this by-product of the manufacturing of Aluminum, as well as from the Phosphate/Ammonium-Nitrate fertilizer industry... effects which were discovered originally in Europe just before the turn of the 20th Century, at that time this "fertilizer", was used primarily for munitions... The effects became known quickly when farm animals and people who live in the areas where the waste was disposed of, began exhibiting strange neurological and physiological symptoms... I'm sure there are documents that show experiments by the NAZI's using this all too available toxin... "

    "This is what is being put in our public water supply as we speak... It goes in at a rate of one 50 pound bag of Sodium-Fluoro-Silicate TOXIC WASTE, per every 1.5 million gallons of water they pump... That is about 3 to 5 Parts Per Million, it is cumulative and DEADLY. Even Dr. Hodges in the video says it should be held to 1 PPM... The only way to get it out of the water is by 5 stage reverse-osmosis filtration, or better yet... the water must be distilled. --Oldyoti"


  • sammielee24

    People should also understand that fluoride is in the air as well which means it lives in the food you are eating. There is a reason why lawsuits have been won in the millions by people suing companies that spew this toxic waste into the air destroying cattle and plant life - if breathing it in kills animals it can't be good for humans that breathe the same air. It is already a natural substance and defined as a poison - why we would go beyond nature and purposely add a poison to our air and our water? sammieswife.

    Most Expensive PollutantWhy has one of the most serious of all air pollutants been so conspicuously absent from most public information on smog that few people are even aware that fluoride pollution exists? Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that fluoride is potentially the most expensive pollutant industry has to deal with.

    The industries with major fluoride pollution problems represent some of the most powerful interest groups in the country. Few competitive newspapers and magazines can afford to risk the loss of advertising revenue that might occur if such publications were to embarrass major industries with alarming stories about pollution; such stories might induce people to sue for damages, or result in pressures for tougher anti-pollution laws.

    When the Harvey Aluminum Co., in The Dalles, Oregon, was sued for $2.2 million by local fruit growers, the plant was served with a court order to control its pollution. The company appealed the order, arguing that it would cost $15 million for effective fluoride pollution control equipment, and 100 new employees would be needed to keep the equipment functioning. Multiply an average cost of several million dollars by the huge number of plants emitting fluorides, and it is apparent that it would cost industry several billion dollars to eliminate fluoride pollution. The amounts paid out in damages each year are just peanuts compared to that cost.

    Pollution hurts industry in other ways too; the government of Middlesex County, N.J., refused to approve the application of an aluminum reduction plant that wanted to locate there. Why? The government was not convinced that the plant could control its fluoride emission, which would have further poisoned the air of an already heavily industrialized area.

    In a highly competitive economic system, many companies will fight for their very lives to avoid spending large amounts of money to control pollution. When plants are required to keep fluoride out of the air, they take the next cheapest route and dump it into the water. For example, at the G.E. Atomic Power Equipment Plant in San Jose, gaseous fluoride is passed through "scrubbers," which trap most of the fluorides in liquid solutions; these liquid wastes are then released into a sewer.

    If neither the air nor the water could be used for fluoride disposal, what would industry do with its fluoride wastes? They might have to be buried in the desert, like San Francisco garbage. Some pollutants, such as S02, can be reclaimed and sold at a profit; but, before fluoridation, there was no use at all for fluoride wastes. Even with half the country fluoridated, the demand for fluorides is infinitesimal compared with the supply.

    The question of fluoridation should be carefully evaluated in reference to what is known about fluoride pollution. Fluoride is added to water supplies, in amounts far larger than concentrations which are known to be harmful in air, in order to reduce cavities in children's teeth.

    Many people might be puzzled by this apparent contradiction: fluoride in the air is a dangerous pollutant, but much more fluoride in the water is a beneficial additive. (From a medical standpoint, one fluoride ion behaves exactly like any other fluoride ion; once it gets into your system, the source makes no difference at all.)

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