Lately, The SIGHT of JWs Gets Me Irritated!!!!!

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others
    When I see the Witnesses I get ticked off. I can't stand their condescending arrogance

    I just don't want any questions, you know they always try to pump you for info and give the you the

    "We sure would like to see you at the meetings line." And my last memorial was 2002-2003 I can't remember now,

    I'll have to ask husband he has a memory like an elephant. Who ever came up with that saying? I'll half to ask AK to find that.

    Proud sponsor of the Cuddly Club!


  • Finally-Free
    Lately, The SIGHT of JWs Gets Me Irritated!!!!!

    What took you so long? I hated the sight of JWs before I even quit them.

    The sight of them doesn't bother me any more, but hearing their crap can still set me off.


  • changeling

    I know what you mean. You may one day see a headline that reads:

    "Former JW and member of the JWD Cuddly Club, flips out and pulls a 'Lizzy Borden" on her elderly parents. She was taken away in a straight jacket and was heard mumbling under her breath: 'You sacrificed my childhood at the altar of your imaginary god and now you are determined to suck my life dry'.

    When asked why, after years of caring for her parents, she had suddenly commited such a horrifying crime, she responded: 'Mom pooped her pants at Barnes and Nobles and I couldn't take it anymore'."

    Feel better now min?


  • minimus
    minimus think that I too was was a dink.

  • changeling

    Sorry, min. Having a bad day here. My story is true sans the Lizzy Borden part. Didn't mean to take it out on you.

    What's a dink?


  • minimus

    Look it up in Urban It's all me.

  • mrsjones5

    I could be silly and say just don't look at them

  • chickpea

    go ahead..... give in to the urge... you know you want to

  • loosie

    I can relate. They make me ill too. I think seeing them reminds you of what they stand for. and you can't stand what they stand for.

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    I'm with you Minimus! I have been having dreams of seeing them lately as well...double whammy. I wake up angry. Not a great start to my day!


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