I dranlk to muvh My girl is mad at me, . I drank too much, I loved my friend, sooo mugh. I son't know what IU will do wothoug her. We have been firiends for 25 years. maybe more. OUregirls gotr in a fighty and now we are figthting. NO fioxing. I am so sad. dont' tell her. But my kid, is best friends, but the had a fight firwst; I tried to tsest her today, to say we needed to talk or elwse I woud ge6t a laywer. and sue her for libleo n yer ny7sbahd nsa8d he had 3 lawayer iun family and he would woop my ass.
I told him go bring it on. andtold my girl, I wish I could blow my brains up on gher porch, and let her scrap thenm off the porchy she got mad and went up staoirs
Hey she nmde national honotrr socieyt5 today. I am very prou7d. she is mad at me. Please tel;l her I am sorry . I amn so sad.
I am sorry