Hmm. People born in 1914 or who were around to see the events of 1914 are dying out. Soon they will all be dead. There really is no indication that the world is about to end. It's going on exactly as it has been for thousands and thousands of years. What's going to happen when all of the remaining anointed are dead? What's this? Now they say that there will always be anointed on the earth and, furthermore, the cutoff date is apparently no longer 1935. This has been set up to continue indefinitely!
Yes, you might think that if you have the wrong information. If you have the RIGHT information, you're not so skeptical. The corrected view of the above is:
1. The "end of the system of things" is not a reference to Armageddon as many think. But the end of the current Jewish system of things under gentile rule, thus the "end of the system of things" is synonymous with the "end of the gentile times." So the generation that must begin with a world war, and thus in 1914, can be a 40-year generation that sees the end of the gentile times which occurred in 1947! So someone who has that interpretation sees the Bible fulfilled. For them the "end" has already arrived since they know the "end" is when the Jews are restored to their homeland.
2. They also know the second coming will happen very quietly exactly 45 years after the end of the gentile times. That is, the gentile ends the trampling of Jerusalem and the Jews and thus ends the 1290 days. The messiah arrives to fulfill the 1335 days, 45 years later. So 45 years after the State of Israel is reborn is when the messiah would arrive: 1992-1993. That is fulfilled for us who understand scripture and now chronology, so everything is right on schedule.
3. After the second coming, which is the time Satan is also kicked out of heaven, the Bible says Christ will be gathering the anointed ones and sealing them while Satan has a "short while". Well, I know a "short while" is a subjective abount of time, but a generation is 40 years, and so it hasn't been even half that time since 1992; 20 years will be reached in 2012, so we're still looking at a relatively "short time" that Satan is allowed to still deceive the world. Further, the Bible says it won't be LATE, but alludes to it seeming "delayed." That's basically because of Jehovah and Christ who know the longer they wait the more potential people might be saved a the last minute. So why not cut it close? It doesn't hurt those already in the kingdom to wait for others to be saved, right? So we''re still right on target with the fulfillment of prophecy.
IT DEPENDS ON WHETHER YOU HAVE THE RIGHT INTERPRETATION if Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. For me, it is completely fulfilled in every last detail.