How "Bible Prophecy" Will Soon Be Disproven!

by metatron 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • metatron

    It's very simple: All this 'prophetic' ( or pathetic) nonsense about "Anglo-America" is going to come to an end in a few years.

    China has already become the world's biggest exporter:

    In ten years, they will become the largest economy - with the biggest population. They will utterly dominate the world's manufacturing

    and even have their own space program. Even Kiplinger magazine realizes that the US is going to be passed by.

    Britain is scheduled to reduce its military down to a feeble European level. The Chinese will outrightly own much of the US, given

    years of trade deficits and enormous mountains of dollars to buy up whatever they want here.

    So, what happens in Watchtower- mesmerized minds? I imagine some "genius" will start speculating about a "dragon" in Revelation.


  • sir82

    Well then, China will be the new "King of the North"!

    And all the old USSR diatribes will resurface.

    KM Insert, May 2018: "As we cover the "Revelation" book for the 9th time, please cross out all references to "Ussr" and replace them with "China".

  • journey-on

    Oh, boy!...New Light to look forward to.

  • easyreader1970

    As in the case of the "generations" doctrine, most Witnesses don't spend an incredibly amount of time trying to intellectualize and conceive the finer points of the whole world power thing. The Society knows this and it would not be difficult for them to have "new light". Think about it. If you can change the "generations" doctrine, which is basically the cornerstone the entire religion, and nobody even blinks an eye, imagine how many other things can be changed to fit the current state of the world.

    Regarding the generations change, a person who was an independent thinker would reason:

    Hmm. People born in 1914 or who were around to see the events of 1914 are dying out. Soon they will all be dead. There really is no indication that the world is about to end. It's going on exactly as it has been for thousands and thousands of years. What's going to happen when all of the remaining anointed are dead? What's this? Now they say that there will always be anointed on the earth and, furthermore, the cutoff date is apparently no longer 1935. This has been set up to continue indefinitely!

  • JCanon

    Hmm. People born in 1914 or who were around to see the events of 1914 are dying out. Soon they will all be dead. There really is no indication that the world is about to end. It's going on exactly as it has been for thousands and thousands of years. What's going to happen when all of the remaining anointed are dead? What's this? Now they say that there will always be anointed on the earth and, furthermore, the cutoff date is apparently no longer 1935. This has been set up to continue indefinitely!

    Yes, you might think that if you have the wrong information. If you have the RIGHT information, you're not so skeptical. The corrected view of the above is:

    1. The "end of the system of things" is not a reference to Armageddon as many think. But the end of the current Jewish system of things under gentile rule, thus the "end of the system of things" is synonymous with the "end of the gentile times." So the generation that must begin with a world war, and thus in 1914, can be a 40-year generation that sees the end of the gentile times which occurred in 1947! So someone who has that interpretation sees the Bible fulfilled. For them the "end" has already arrived since they know the "end" is when the Jews are restored to their homeland.

    2. They also know the second coming will happen very quietly exactly 45 years after the end of the gentile times. That is, the gentile ends the trampling of Jerusalem and the Jews and thus ends the 1290 days. The messiah arrives to fulfill the 1335 days, 45 years later. So 45 years after the State of Israel is reborn is when the messiah would arrive: 1992-1993. That is fulfilled for us who understand scripture and now chronology, so everything is right on schedule.

    3. After the second coming, which is the time Satan is also kicked out of heaven, the Bible says Christ will be gathering the anointed ones and sealing them while Satan has a "short while". Well, I know a "short while" is a subjective abount of time, but a generation is 40 years, and so it hasn't been even half that time since 1992; 20 years will be reached in 2012, so we're still looking at a relatively "short time" that Satan is allowed to still deceive the world. Further, the Bible says it won't be LATE, but alludes to it seeming "delayed." That's basically because of Jehovah and Christ who know the longer they wait the more potential people might be saved a the last minute. So why not cut it close? It doesn't hurt those already in the kingdom to wait for others to be saved, right? So we''re still right on target with the fulfillment of prophecy.

    IT DEPENDS ON WHETHER YOU HAVE THE RIGHT INTERPRETATION if Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. For me, it is completely fulfilled in every last detail.


  • JCanon
    It's very simple: All this 'prophetic' ( or pathetic) nonsense about "Anglo-America" is going to come to an end in a few years.

    China is not mentioned specifically in the Bible that I can recognize, but it wouldn't because most of the Bible is focussed on the Christian world and a lot is pertinent to the WTS, believe it or not!

    But China's situation is conducive to what is next expected to happen on a global scale. That is, when the UN destroys the influence of the Illuminati over key organizations in the world. In the process the recognition of organized religion will cease. I see that as a reasonable position if China becomes part of the UN (are they yet?) Chistianity won't mean that much to them so outlawing all religion might seem consistent with where the world is headed now, which is a global government to manage a global economy.

    Even so, the unavoidable demise of the Ango-America world power seems a good indication the Armageddon is near as well.

    So, it is not "nonsense" to those who are true prophets. It makes no-sense to those who don't understand the Bible.


  • JCanon

    You can't DISPROVE something that has already come true. I'll skip the details but give you a for instance. Two-thirds of the Jews were supposed to be exterminated between 1940-1947 per the Bible. They were.

    The State of Israel was supposed to be established per the Bible in 1947-1948. It was. 1947 is connected to 29 CE. (Jewish Covenant Week Chart)

    If you have been granted understanding the Bible then things are happening right on time.

    The "sign of the son of man" was supposed to begin to appear shortly after the State of Israel is set up. I have a photo of that sign!

    So the Bible isn't working out for YOU, maybe, but the fact that the GB of JWs was prophesied to become apostate is working out for me! Things are happening right on time per the Bible. Everything is true so far. It cannot be disproven at this point; too many prophecies are behind us and already fulfilled!!


  • metatron

    I see how the process works:

    1) observe current events

    2) rearrange interpretations to fit facts

    3) assert to everyone that "prophecy" has been fulfilled!!!

    I think I've won the lottery many times this way - but somehow the authorities won't give me the money because they refuse to understand

    that the numbers I picked symbolized those picked in the winning draw. Some people just don't have faith...


  • Outaservice

    Maybe 'Bible Phophecy' is being confused with 'Watchtower Prophecy'?


  • blkblk13

    I don't really buy this whole Chinese world dominence theory. I believe they will be a major player in the world market in the future but people seem to forget that just b/c china has more billionares doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of it's population is living in poverty. Also, they suffer from the worst environmental issues w/ water pollution loss of wildlife, famines, on and on. Not to mention rapidly aging population demographics due to high rates of female infant murders resulting in an increasingly warped male vs female ratio. And they are an export driven country that caters to Europe and the U.S. The U.S. has the largest middle class in the world. If the U.S. goes down then China goes down. There is not a country on the face of the planet that can replace America's spending power which China is hugely dependent on. Plus they've been trying to keep the value of their currency down but they are inevitably, w/ such rapid growth, now facing Inflation issues. Also they have been trying to control the infulx of new information via the internet but that is proving difficult. No Communist goverment has been able to last w/ out eventually being toppled by a democracy craving populace. China will find themselves going through government upheaval soon enough which will further temper their chances for world domination. They are going to big big on the scene but America will still be King for many years to come.


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