I broke my leg

by hillbilly 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Ouch. That's just painful thinking about it. Are you laid up, or can you get out and about?

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Those Okie horses are cruel!!! I broke a bone, about an inch below my little toe. Cast up to my knee. Spiral break. Couldn't put any weight on it for 6 weeks.

    What in the world are you doing?? OMG Are you on some great pain pills??

    PS My first word, is just what you would think it was. S _ _ T!!!! Then I cried, as I lay in my driveway.

  • imissmaine

    Ouch hillbilly. Sounds painful! Hope you heal up nice and quick. ~IMM

  • uninformed

    My entire life experiences with horses could be summarized in one word: PAIN.

    Glad you are ok.


  • chickpea

    wincing in empathetic pain!!! and hoping your recovery is swift

  • Hortensia

    Oh I am so sorry! But tell us more - were you by yourself or were there other people around? Why did the horse kick you? Who got you to the hospital?

  • Casper

    OMG... Hillbilly...

    That sounds awful...!! Gives me chills just thinking about it...

    I've been thrown a few times, got my foot caught in a stirrup once and was dragged quite a ways. Also, was knocked out when something spooked my horse and it took off through the trees causing me to hit my head on a tree branch. But, dang... I never got kicked.

    I'm so sorry....

    Hope you get well soon, so you can get back out there....


  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Ugg, sorry to hear that! Hugs for you!


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    So Sorry

  • Gopher

    Sorry to hear of that accident, and I hope you have a speedy and comfortable recovery.

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