Listen! Her blood cries out from the ground!

by Bridgette 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bridgette

    I cannot forget this little girl.

    Ezekiel 34:12 “This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them"
    You can try and try to scrub her blood from your hands, and stifle her screams out of your ears, Mr. Brown et al. But you will answer for your sins of commission AND omission. COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY!
    Genesis 4:10 "The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground."

    We live in a world filled with such beauty, when you know where to look. But we also live in a world filled with imbalance and at times horror. We have heard Cassiline’s heart wrenching story of childhood abuse. We have heard about Tatiana’s abuse and her sister, Kelli, who finally put an end to her pain the only way she knew how. There are millions of others of us, with stories with only slightly lesser degrees of horror. Want more stories of blood and gore from being raised in the Watchtower world? See The organization is laying eviscerated with all her dirty, fetid secrets oozing up to the top for all to see. And now we add little Laree to our morbid sisterhood. I want to talk about Laree. Yes, we’ve heard and read her story over and over again—it will be heard until this changes. Something about this girl’s story has touched me to the very core of my being. To quote a scripture, her blood cries out to me from the ground. I did something I have not done for a LONG time last night. I cried. Then I prayed. I do not know to who, or what, but I tearfully and humbly invoked justice and community responsibility from any deity or Just Being that would hear the cry of the lowly and crushed.
    What goes through the mind of a 12 year old girl as she lays dying; young life seeping out of her core. We can only conjecture, but as so many of us have had the experience of being both abused, and being the child of a Jehovah’s Witness (at the same time), we can perhaps fill in the holes. She has been taught from infancy, probably that this organization is the closest thing to god on earth that there is. Obedience to it and her parents has been pounded into her skull at every meeting. This organization (god’s spokesperson on earth) gives her parents full sanction to do the horrific things that are done to her and her siblings at home. If she ever questions even internally whether or not her treatment is just, she is reminded at yet another meeting that it is. This is her universe. The only reality she has ever known. She is probably a model student, etc. so teachers are clueless—her parents seem strict and authoritative, but concerned, shiny, “happy”. She wouldn’t dare risk bringing reproach upon Jehovah’s Name (remember in her universe, Jehovah = Organization) by telling a soul what goes on at home. So, this is her existence. There are no friends in the neighborhood to play with, so they can know the dirty little secrets that go on behind closed doors. And a blind eye is probably turned at the only place where allowable help could come—the Kingdom Hall. There are probably a few who think these parents are too strict, perhaps a few have seen the abuse, but they are too afraid to stand up and say anything, and some, god help them think it’s a GOOD WAY TO RAISE CHILDREN—they’re probably doing the same things at home to their children. And god forbid, ANYONE WOULD REPORT SUSPECTED ABUSE TO THE AUTHORITIES. We all know this is NOT DONE by order of the governing body. To any who have witnessed and not reported abuse in your vestiges of “spiritual paradise”: may your god have mercy upon your souls. Do JW’s hold the market on physical, spiritual, sexual, and mental abuse? No. But they claim to be god’s only spokesperson on earth. Often the abuse is perpetrated under the auspices of “god’s love”. So, let me hold your head down to the fetid stench of the WT’s ulcerated ugliness—get a good wiff, all you shepherds and ask yourself: when this girl died; when her final rasp of desperate breath finally exited her little body, did she exit this world knowing, if nothing else, that god’s merciful, fatherly love and grace awaited to embrace her? Well, remember what she’d been fed all her little life. If she’d been taught in true, hardcore, JW fashion, likely no. She probably died thinking with the last fiber of her being that she was getting what disobedient children deserve. As her parents administered blow after soul crushing blow, she probably died alone, and frightened and crushed.
    For those who say this is an isolated case, ask yourself why. Why is abuse such a common theme of those who grow up in the “truth”. Is this what god wants? For those of you still in the organization, I call upon anything and everything that is good and loving and human inside of you to watch out. You could be going to meetings with a Laree and her siblings. What have you been taught about community responsibility? Can you imagine that god looks upon the abuse of a child with anything but disgust? Will he not call you to account for lost innocence? Remember the scripture where Jesus said he remembers even the little sparrows? If he exists, I know he is LIVID about Laree. Do not think Laree will be forgotten. Laree. Laree. Laree….that you could live again and be free and know the life of a normal, happy child.
    And in calling for justice, I call for the those responsible for the teachings that aided, abetted, and assisted these parents to feel justified for every life destroying blow they administered to this child. YOU are called to, no you are cursed to feel with the humanness and decency of your heart (for I still believe it exists there), the remorse, the weight, the culpability before your god for absolute MIND and SOUL rape you have perpetrated or allowed to be perpetrated against the humans you have entrusted yourself with—especially the little ones. Only when you FEEL these--- Truly FEEL them, will you know peace in this life, or the next.

    Report suspected abuse to the authorities. For the love of God, if you cannot, will not protect your children, let someone else. It is the law. Period.

  • Fredhall


    Are you twisting the scriptures?

  • JeffT

    A few minutes ago a link to this story popped up on a totally unrelated board that I visit. The outside world is starting to hear about this. I'm sending the story to my local paper. This is one that needs to stay in front of people.

  • JBean

    I... we all... hear you Bridgette, and feel similarly.

  • Stephanus

    Bridgette is showing mercy to the victims. While the Watchtower carefully counts up the herbs in its members' gardens and takes its share, it neglects the weightier matters of mercy, justice and faith. The merciless, unjust and faithless 'Tower is about to meet its doom, and all those who defend it and its victimisation of the weak will be doomed with it. Stop defending the defenders of paedophiles and child abusers, Fred!

    "He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot." - Groucho Marx

  • hillbilly

    See the Post Chicago Murder and the press below------anybody in Chicago that can help with transcripts etc. Lets not get even- lets use the tools we have to act human.

  • Bridgette

    Now, what Hillbilly? Can you elaborate on the actions you are requesting?
    I have taken the action of sharing this story with a school official with whom I'd already shared the letters to BOE about not reporting child abuse. I would love to do more. I want abuse to stop. I could care less if consenting adults want to be witnesses--more power to them. But I will not stand by while children are being not only physically but spiritually abused.

  • Mum

    This story is so terrifying that it proves that truth is, indeed, stranger than fiction, and how much evil can reside within people who see themselves as "good."

    I have a strange feeling that the same people who murdered this child would be horrified and outraged if an intruder had come in and done something similar to an adult, who could at least defended himself or herself.

    When WT legalism / poor excuse for theology blends with twisted minds, this is the horrible result. The WT (back when I used to read it) always stressed the alleged importance and appropriateness of corporal punishment but failed to take into account the possible results.

    Yes, report child abuse.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • hillbilly

    Mostly I think we need to get and distribute the Chi-town news clippings and the transcripts of the court actions in this crime. This will prove the "assistance" if any by WT reps in the Chicago area in the perpetration of this crime.
    Testimony transcripts are great----I'd like to see the arraingment record myself. I'd also like to see the defence witness list as it becomes available.

    The Media is very regional----if not for the net I would not have this news---I only live 300 miles form Chicago. Silentlambs has been great for getting the facts out in ped cases. Lets get the facts for this IL murder collected in one spot .

    This case has to be as big as Jon Bennet in CO.

  • NameWithheld

    This made it onto the Drudge Report too ...

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