and I was thinking about my reaction to it. I woke up at 4:40 in the morning because the bed was shaking and the thought process in my head went along these lines, "The bed is shaking. Mike is out of town. He's not due home for 5 more days. Who the hell is in my house and climbing in my bed? Should I grab the bat, turn over, and just start swinging and hope Mike didn't come home early? Surely he'd have called. Of course if someone was trying to crawl into bed with me they'd try to be a lot more stealthy than this until they had me under control. I don't think it's Mike, and I don't think it's an intruder, I think it's an earthquake. Besides, I might kill the cat. Okay, so I'm going to turn over and make sure there's no one climbing in bed. Nope. Okay, cool, then it's just an earthquake. It's kind of interesting, I've never experienced one before." These thoughts took a very short fraction of time to get through. For the rest of the quake I pretty much just observed and found it really interesting. Not scary, just interesting.
Once it stopped I got out of bed and got online thinking I should make sure it really was an earthquake, find out where it originated, how strong it was, and what kind of damage had been done so I would know whether or not I needed to check on my family.
Reminiscing about this just now it occured to me that there was a time when my reaction would have been a great deal different. This was a time when seeing a special news bulletin interupt a TV program would turn my stomach and I would have to leave the room because I just knew they were going to announce something that would be the beginning of armageddon, a time when I had nightmares of God chasing me with mudslides, a time when severe thunderstorms struck a chord in my heart that guaranteed divine wrath.
And I realized... not only did I not react in that manner at all... it took a full week for it to even occur to me that that might once have been my reaction.
So why am I sharing this? Well, I think it's pretty cool. I've talked to people who had the same fears I used to have... and I thought it might be nice to let some of them know... some day it will take a full week before it even occurs to you that you might once have reacted that way.