What you think, what do you know, how do you feel about Indigo Children?
Indigo Children
by feenx 35 Replies latest jw friends
Never heard of it until now.
I can't see auras too well so I can't tell.
But this is true:
Average IQs are rising for newer cohorts.
Load of poop.
I think it a cruel bit of flim-flam.
What distraught parent with an autistic child wouldn't want to transform their liability into an asset by casting their afflicted child as THE NEXT STAGE OF HUMAN EVOLUTION??!!
My 17 year old son has Asberger Syndrome which is in the Autism family.
When talking to a lady whose daughter is a bit more autistic than my son, I first encountered the term INDIGO CHILDREN.
I listened to her description and I almost swallowed my tongue holding back from saying anything to her.
I read a book that came into the bookstore with the same title.
I was ready to shit a brick.
You can call anything anything. It doesn't change it.
Facing reality is always better than trying to make uncomfortable realities pretty.
My son is a very high achiever who scored almost perfectly on SAT and such when he was younger. But, he cannot get up in the morning to make the first period class. (No, he's not lazy--he can't pull the trigger on getting up.)
Further, he is 17 years old and is pretty much asexual. This is a mixed blessing, frankly. He shows no interest whatsoever in sex, women, men or related issues. He has "friends" who adore him at school, but, he never wants to hang out with them, spend the night at their house or even talk to them on the phone.
He has tons of empathy for animals and life in general to the point of obsession. He hates to walk on grass! He won't pick flowers. He screams if somebody kills a bug or spider.
He washes his hands to the point of breaking the skin and bleeding!
He doesn't like change of any sort.
He pitched a fit when his mother wanted to toss out an old couch that was falling apart.
But, he wasn't planted here by a superior alien race and he is definitely not the next stage of human evolution.
His frontal lobes are his problem/gift.
Such afflictions as autism are only afflictions when they destroy your potential for happiness. Nicholas is a happy kid, generally. He has a wild and wack sense of humor. He loves to play innocent pranks and he is a genius when it comes to animation. He has taught himself how to program for 3D animation, for example. He wins all sorts of awards online for his contest entries.
Helping him cope and helping myself to cope is largely a process of FACING REALITY and making the most of it. You deal with the downside realistically and life becomes manageable.
That's my two cents.
What about in the cases where there is not Autism or a similar condition. I guess...regardless of the current state of such a person, how do you feel about the theory itself.
someone i know insisted her child was an indigo , i could have thought of many other ways of describing the obnoxious little brat but indigo certainly wasnt one of them
I don't buy into this theory.
I'm a mystical thinker, but I still rationalise things out and some things which are labels in the "new age" movement are simply that....labels.
I do think that the human race is evolving spiritually, but I don't think that any one group of children can be considered to be super-special.
Apart from my unborn child of course who is going to be the next saviour of mankind.
Apart from my unborn child of course who is going to be the next saviour of mankind.
Mine already got that job,
I don't think that any one group of children can be considered to be super-special
I tend to agree, although I have read quite a bit here on this subject.
I think that people in general are becoming more enlightened about things. Its truly an amazing information
highway these days. I love learning new things.
someone i know insisted her child was an indigo , i could have thought of many other ways of describing the obnoxious little brat but indigo certainly wasnt one of them
That was hilarious! LOL