It's truly exciting to see all of the "rapid fire" changes taking place in the Watchtower org. Buildings are being sold, KingdomHalls are "compressing", Bethelites are being sent home, Watchtower format changing to public issues and private issues, more and more judicial committee meetings being held for apostasy. (THE WATCHTOWER IS DEAD IT JUST HASN'T FALLEN OVER YET! The Watchtower officials are "dividing up the booty" and getting out of Dodge! Other issues the org. is dealing with includes the massive amounts of active Witnesses with "one foot in and one foot out", those of the "conscious class", in other words the "ether mask" is coming off. More and more Witnesses are seeing what the Watchtower is hiding behind. The increase of "newbies" on this site, as well as e-mails we receive from active Witnesses speaks for itself.Glad to see that many leaving the Watchtower org. still have a belief in God and are helped by that, just as we have.Many of these Witnesses leaving need encouragement and support and that's where many on this board can help and have helped.It's truly thrilling to speak with active Witnesses who will agree that the Watchtower org. has problems and are not afraid to speak out. Tonights conference call (Saturday April 26)7p.m. is expected to have some active Witnesses participating. CAll (712)432-8710 pin number 9925.
Has the mass exodus begun?
by kool aid man06 35 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
the more nornal brothers with no family ties will definetely leavy.
crazy ones, headcases, nerds, old ones, and family tied ones will stay to the end.
I hope so.
I left many friends in the BORG, and I can only hope that they will see the BORG for what it is and bail from the farcical joke that it is.
Great to know many are coming to realize they are serving men!!!! wish I could be on the call tonight ,,Other committments... God be with all that call.
Octarine Prince
I once was lost,
but now, I'm.... -
yadda yadda 2
Unfortunately, it can hardly be considered that a 'mass exodus' has begun when they had a 3% worldwide publisher increase last service year.
Whatever credibility the WTS has been losing with all their scandals, etc, is being offset by developments on the world scene that making more and more JW's (and non-JW's) suppose that the GT is on the horizon after all. Economic recession, world food shortages, soaring petrol prices, terrorism, renewed threat of nuclear war, al quaeda, threat of horrible diseases, etc, etc. It almost does look like the riders of the apocalypse are about to ride forth (not since 1914). That's why we won't see any 'mass exodus' soon.
The internet is the most powerful external weapon against the Watchtower. The most powerful internal one is themselves. With all these changes the more savvy of the brothers will begin to see all this maneuvering for what it is. Desperation.
passive suicide
Well......... First off I agree that the BORG are falling.....but to say that people need any belief in 'God' is just another ploy to control action. With the fall of the 'Truth'....So goes the fall of ALL religion. If God were real....He'd make all this crap a whole lot easier to cipher through. it's not a mystery...It's a JOKE. Meanwhile the same people responsible for creating this mass opiate (not just the BORG...but all organizations) are duping us all out of our happiness. leave ALL religion. i don't have the answers...but I can tell you this.... .... (fill in the blank) can you honestly say you know any better?
Unfortunately, it can hardly be considered that a 'mass exodus' has begun when they had a 3% worldwide publisher increase last service year.
That is true. It is not a mass exodus yet. But it is something.
The "growth" was a manipulation of numbers to include many 15-minutes per month publishers.
Still, it shows that there are not less JW's yet. But there will be. There will be. SOON.Every new light has new questioners. Virtually none of the children who have not been baptized
will ever stay in the religion once they are adults, and hardly anyone from the field is attracted
to the organization. So before a mass exodus, you have the shrinking by dying off. I think 2008 or
2009 will show the shrinking.Buildings for sale will run out in Brooklyn. Soon, the Kingdom Halls will be going. Maybe they will
eventually farm out their reduced printing demand and sell the valuable presses and lay off more
40-60 year old Bethelites. Maybe they will get rid of half the C.O.'s and cut the strings to the
special pioneers. Maybe there won't be printing, but the stuff will go to the P.O. on the computer
and the local dubs must pay to print it on the computer or at Kinkos.They are doomed, I say. DOOMED! They will run out of cuts to cut. It will happen in my lifetime.
But I don't think they will close shop in my lifetime. I hope I am wrong about that last one. -
It is a mass exodus in the English language congregations in the U.S. A lot of Mexican JWs have been migrating into the U.S. or else the percent of decline would probably be about 3 to 5% a year. Also the so-called growth figure is suspect. I hear they've counted a lot of inactives and will keep doing so a few more years hoping that growth in Africa and Brazil will continue, though the internet there is also starting to slow them there too.