Gas prices, a pretty lame excuse for the change by the GB. The CBS was the only glimmer of civility in a JW's life. The monthly "carry in" at mine was really the only feeling of camaraderie that the schedule allowed us. We would have a carry in, and the home BS was only a mile from my house. The family had a billiard table, and we would hang around and play occasionally. It was the only real human interaction within the Borg.
They are now trying to strip every vestige of humanity from the schedule. According to the upcoming article, "Valueless Things," sex is worthless, entertainment is worthless, fun is worthless. May the GB rot in hell. Satan has a pineapple waiting for them (Little Nicky reference).
Gas prices have absolutely no bearing on the change. It is control, control, control. We might talk if we get close, OMG! We can't have that, comparing notes will make the house of cards fall. I hope it does!