Right off the bat I am going to say that I understand there are a few bethelites and ex-bethelites here and I have no intention of offending anyone. I have read the posts you've made and have enjoyed them and respect your individual points of view. That said, I need to ask the board if they have noticed anything peculiar about the folks coming out of beth-Hell? Is beth-Hell filled with loony toons, do they just create a few, or do they just release the worst ones back into society???
My experience so far with the ones in my varied congregations were that they were off their rockers (There have been several of these guys) but for time's sake I will list two of the moderately weird ones.
Study number 1)
In Albuquerque, we had this young pioneer sister (19 yrs old) named H*** and she had been corresponding with a young brother (22 yrs old?? Something like that) she met during a trip to visit Brooklyn beth-Hell. He left beth-Hell to join her in our congregation as a pioneer, marry her, and live happily ever-after. Or at least as happily as possible until "The Paradise" got here.
Well, he was there about a month or so and their "courtship" was cut short because he had fallen for her underaged (14 yrs old) cousin that my sister had privately nicknamed "Stuffy", because she once saw a quite large wad of toilet paper poking out from under her bra. Anyway, the pioneer was very hurt with both of these assbags, but in a show of "Christian Unity" served as her treacherous cousin's maid of honor at the wedding once "Stuffy" reached an appropriate age (She was 15 with mom's consent)........
So, married bliss was in the air! Oh how happy they were. And "Stuffy's" mom? ECSTATIC that she had spawned a child that was good enough for one of Jah's Finest young Christian warriors!! (Weird how it she was good enough for a beth-hell-ite but had such shitty family values as to steal her cousins betrothed). And poor young pioneer H***? Ripped apart inside but soldiering on with a big smile on her plump but pretty face.
Then about a week after the honeymoon, fifteen year old teen bride of the beth-hell-ite "Stuffy" showed up to the hall with huge dark sunglasses. They were huge, but nothing could have hide the shame and swelling of her previously smiling face. Apparently this 15 year old child was not swift enough to dodge the mighty hand of one of Jah's Finest Young Christian Warriors. Yes, she had disobeyed him, or maybe was not prompt enough, or enthusiatic enough to respond to his "needs" and had to be shown the "Discipline of the temple". Apparently she was rebellious or a slow learner because she came to many meetings swollen.
Turns out this beth-hell-ite was some kind of a mental case.
Study number 2)
The next one comes from good old Sacramento. There was once a young brother from Brooklyn beth-Hell who came out to the lush and green Sacramento Valley to find himself a young bride. He had no job, no personality, and of course an overinflated opinion of himself. Everyone at the congregation behaved as they should when we heard of the arrival of one of Jah's Finest Young Christian warriors. Everyone gasped, ooed and ahhed upon his arrival. Surely this young "Champion of the Faith" would teach us the ways of the truth and expand our membership at least ten-fold and at once steal the heart of one of our precious daughters and make lots of little beth-hell-ites with her because Jah blesses those servents of his who are in the presence of such spiritual supermen.
He found a very nice sister and with his "spirit guided and trained" manliness, he swept her off her feet and they eloped in Reno. She came back from the honeymoon bruised and battered. Apparently spiritual supermen have libidos the size of their overinflated opinions of themeselves too. She came home and told tales of how wonderful he was in bed. How during their first night together, she had put on a very expensive lingerie ensemble, made herself up, and had set up a wonderful and romantic evening they would forever remember. She was waiting for him in their Motel 6 wedding bed, giddy and eager to finally offer herself to this amazing yet still unemployed man of God.
She recounted an amazing story of his wondrous and spiritual ways. When he came out of the bathroom he had on a bathrobe. He told her to put hers on. Then they knelt at the foot of the bed and he prayed. He prayed, and prayed and prayed for nearly fifteen minutes. Then after they amen-ed he lifted her up as if she was as light as a feather and laid her gently on the bed. He then proceeded to rip the expensive lingerie she had so carefully coordinated with her romantic evening to shreds, bruising her all over as he ripped it from her body. He then slapped her face and forced himself onto her and into every possible orifice. So great was his lust that he continued to pummel her tiny body the entire night, even after she was to sore and swollen to continue, he beat her into submission like only a spiritual superman who knows his bible can. When she got home she could only talk about how wonderfully "loving" he is and how manly he is.
His loving nature was only expanded upon. When her mom and dad humbly and meekly questioned her condition he attacked her mother and shoved her to the ground in a show of his mightiness and spiritual superiority. He had to flee for his life as the evil red-haired brother of his bride attacked him with a trowel and nearly split his head open with it. This dastardly act had to be dealt with swiftly and decisively. The evil red-haired brother of teh bride was disfellowshipped for attacking one of Jah's Finest Young Christian Warriors and interfering with his headSHIT with no "Spirit Guided" authority.
After about a year of marriage the young couple were seen arm in arm, happy to be together and taking in a big night on the town. Yes, they were seen strolling thru the used car lots out on the corner of Madison and Auburn Blvd., swapping sips from a Big Gulp. Yes, life is truly wonderful isn't it? especially when you can live in a "spiritual paradise" and have one of Jah's Finest Young Christian Warriors to share it with.
This asshole was also a mental case.
My questions again are has anyone else seen this sort of spiritual mightiness in their congos? Does anyone know if there are lots of these guys in the beth-Hell houses or do they just let them loose on society when they become more mighty than can be controlled? I am looking forward to your responses.