Have you noticed the article of awake about toys? After throwing records dvd tapes and son we must clean our houses of the toys particularly dolls can some one speaking a good english explain awake magazine dated june 2008 the article about "more than just toys".....http://www.jw.org/index.html?option=nBZR..They are mad please god forgive them..Excuse my so poor english
you must destroy the dolls of your little girls
by chirac 44 Replies latest jw friends
I hope someone answers you because I am curious. When I was little (early 60's), my mom got it into her head that dolls were demomic and went on a doll burning rampage.
I just listend to it. It is indeed disgusting.
They are obviously targeting dolls such as "Barbie" and other fashion dolls. While I agree that some dolls are poor roll models for yourng girls and may give them the wrong idea of what a woman should look like (skinny, big boobs...), they are after all, just dolls. Good parenting and healthy real life roll models can counterbalence any harm Barbie and Skipper can inflict.
Depriving a child of "normal" and customary games, toys, etc. is, in my opinion, far more damaging than any skimpy outfit any Barbie doll has ever worn.
The article also highlights that in ancient times dolls where not children's play things but objects used in religious rituals. While this is an interesting bit of history, we all know where the Society was going by giving this info. They are, yet again, demonizing an ordinary, everyday aspect of people's lives. In doing so they continue to exercise control over every aspect of JW's lives.
Most witnesses will gloss over this article, but there will be some who will take is as gospel and ban their children from having dolls. These will also look down on families who allow their daughters to have dolls and adopt a "holier than tough" attitude.
What a waste of time writing and distributing such nonsence is!
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
Here's a link to the audio for JUST that article:
Scan anyone?
This is the kind of thing that drove me away... just petty, senseless nonsense. My girls were not all that into dolls when they were little, mostly video games and such... but still, I doubt I could have went along with this.
When I was little (early 60's), my mom got it into her head that dolls were demonic and went on a doll burning rampage.
Was that a traumatic experience for you ?
I know thinking back that I considered my dolls my friends when I was little. It would have really bothered me to see them burned... I am so glad I didn't grow up in this organization.
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
The article does not come right out and say that parents should destroy their kids' dolls... in fact, it mentions the beneficial aspects of doll play -- learning future roles, having a confidante and friend, etc.
However, the article is very heavily inclined towards the demonic, religious, voodoo, and superstitious use of dolls in the past and present. Here's an excerpt from a sidebar at the end of the article, which I transcribed from the audio link above. Notice the use of the phrase "potentially harmful influence of some dolls" in two consecutive paragraphs. The "daughter's" voice in the sample "how to talk to your kids about it" was highly scripted--you could tell she was speaking "adultspeak" written out for her... she struggled with it in a mechanical tone.
At 7:08 in the audio, Supplementary Information (sidebar):
How can parents protect their children from the potentially harmful influence of some dolls? The Washington Post lamented, "Like the tobacco industry of old, the entertainment and toy industries generally deny any responsibility and are unlikely to make changes on their own." Clearly, parents need to assume responsibility!
The Bible commands parents to provide children with wholesome daily instruction. How might that be given in a way that addresses the potential harmful influence of some dolls?
One mother says that she read to her daughter about modest dress, as outlined at 1 Timothy 2:9, and reasoned with her on the matter. Their conversations went something like this:
Mother's voice
: "Whom do these dolls look like? A child, or a woman?"Little Girl's voice:
"A woman."M:
"Why do you say that?"G:
"Because they have bodies like women, and their clothes and shoes are those of women."M:
"That's RIGHT! And after reading what we did in the Bible, do you think the clothing these dolls are wearing is the kind Christians should wear?"G:
"Why not?"G:
"Because the skirts are very short, the blouses are low cut, and the material sticks to their bodies."Admittedly, teaching your children godly principles so that they reach such conclusions takes effort. But it is worth it! Many parents have benefited from the help provided by the book Learn From the Great Teacher, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, to help parents inculcate godly principles in their children. You're invited to obtain a copy of this 256-page illustrated book by writing to: Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483. Indicate that you would like to receive a copy of Learn From the Great Teacher.
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
I know thinking back that I considered my dolls my friends when I was little. It would have really bothered me to see them burned... I am so glad I didn't grow up in this organization.
I remember my step-sister traumatically screaming as "Mom" burned her doll in the fireplace.... that messed her up for a long time.
My dub sister just bought my child some Barbie dolls.....