Okay, so my wife and mom both got back from their public talk / WT study this evening. My loudmouthed sister asked if there were any announcements. The bookstudy is hereafter known as "The Congregation Bible Study". The new arrangement will take place in January of '09. There you have it. Many of the prognosticators were correct in their predicitions as to the "reasons" for this "blessing from Jehoober". One was a steady attendance decline for the past 10 yrs. or so and another, rising gas prices making it a "hardship on the brotherhood" to attend 3 different meetings a week. So, there you have it folks.
It's official....Bookstudy is DOA
by CoonDawg 50 Replies latest jw friends
Oh, the TMS, the Service Mtg. and the new Congregation bible study will be 35 min. each.
I'm really pleased. One less meeting my elderly parents will have to attend. One less night of indoctrination for my nieces and nephews.
Not Feeling It
The rising gas prices making a hardship is such a lame, weasel-y reason. So, if prices go back to "normal" or at least down fifty cents to a buck, I guess they will reinstate (pun fully intended) the BS from the new and improved CBS.
I've seen on news as well as personally and heard from many here that gas is way more in other places in the world and has been for some time.
Now the attendance reason I believe. BS with the service meeting makes attendance for all higher. My wife also mentioned that liability in private homes could be a reason. I think some here have also postulated on that.
-- Not Attending It
I've wondered about the liability in private homes too. Wonder what may have happened? a fight at someone's home and property destroyed,someone touched inappropriately in someone's home, and they sue the WTS?
I think it has nothing to do with gas prices and liability. The GB they realize that they will lose even more members or scare off interested ones if they continue with the schedule and demand upon the witnesses.Every witness that i know has told me the stress isway too much for the friends in trying to keep up with everything.
Also the Book study has always been along with the watchtower one of the most boring meeting they have since they continue the study the same thing over and over again even when they come up with a new publication,it's repeated garbage even when they study a new publication.
Next, it will be the school that might be canceled or altered since it's a waste of time
Hell, by 09 the gas prices may have dropped. They should start today.
by 09 the gas prices may have dropped
Prices NEVER go back down to where they were. They rise sky high for a few weeks or months while everybody
moans and complains, then when they drop a few pennies everybody gets happy. But the price is still way higher
than it was, but because they went down slightly everybody is overjoyed. I truly believe they play psychological
tricks with the consumer.
It seems the JWD prophets were wise and true! Well done faithful slaves!
changeling :)
wha happened?
I looked at my wife and said, "So much for the provision of meeting in secret during the great trib. Legal and financial decisions are what run the GB now". She looked at me and asked, "This is scary. So what is the truth now?" I replied. "I dunno, but this isn't it." I really felt for JW's because they were so misled. Any who stay in at this point are just plain dumb