just got back from the assembly the bookstudy will be part of the ministry school service metting as of 2009. the cost of fuel is 1 reason. To many elders taking bookstudys time could be better spent on other things. Family heads can now spend more time with there familys. Work it out form yourselves. Karter
New announcement from the 1st time zone in the world.
by karter 30 Replies latest jw experiences
mind my own
Wow, thanks. Maybe another reason is b/c no one gives a shite anymore so they have to retain the followers they currently have?
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I agree with another poster on a different thread. Most of them could take a series of strong kicks to the balls and say they were a wonderful provision from Jah as long as the kicks came form Brooklyn.
Pathetic really.
Do David Letterman top 10 things why the cbs changed.
10.Poor cbs attendence makes bad reports.
9.Spiritual waters are drying up at cbs.
Hurrahhh!! its true then eh?
To many elders taking bookstudys time could be better spent on other things.
Didn't Jesus say, "Feed my sheep" ?
What a load of crap excuse. If it were true, then field service would also be canceled, except for affluent jws. Other avenues of accomplishing it, which did not involve fuel would be found; radio, tv, internet, massmailings, billboards, stones crying out, angels w talking trumpets...
S -
With gas going up dramatically each summer, why wait a year? I just don't get that. The news is falready ull of stories of people making pretty drastic changes, selling gold, even cutting out food items to pay for gas. Has any compelling reasons been given for the wait? Already printed schedules can't be it as we have already done the cut and paste edit on the Climax book and congos could make their own new copies. But even if they re-printed it it would be one of the cheapest documents ever. What gives???................oompa