How many of you still believe in god after your experience of the WatchTower? Do you believe in a different god than the one of the org. One who won't destroy somebody just because he wasn't in the good religion. Personnally, I still have some belief in a god simply because I am alive and this is a miracle in itself. I don't think that the evolution can explain correctly why there's life on earth. But, if god doesn't do anything for us than, we have no goal in our life. Everything that we do is absurd if anyway, we are going to die someday.
Do you still believe in god???
by Nicolas 17 Replies latest jw friends
No. Life makes much more sense without a god. Especially the Christian one.
S4 -
Life is more like a lottery than a miricle - 1,000,000 sperm cells and one egg.
"God was evolutions biggest mistake"
Hippikon -
I tend to believe there is a God...but he is not don't get heated up about anything.
If you believe in the bible. Then you must believe in the flood of Noahs day right?
How many children do you think died then?
God says "Here's what I'm gonna do. Here's what you need to do to survive. I've done my part, now you do the rest."
The reason I am struggling with accepting what it says in the bible, and not with the notion that there is a god, because as Nicolas said all those children died in the flood, I think about all the children that will die at Armageddon and above all, in the NT it says that a woman's body belongs to her husband. Yeah, right. I think these beliefs make me an unsuitable candidate for everlasting life because I'm questioning the wisdom of god himself/herself.
God is in everyone. Collectively and subconsciously we create god through the supernatural power that is within us all. Read "The Only Planet of Choice" by P V Schlemmer.
Then again you could just study a butterfly in the garden for a few minutes.
Nathan Natas
there is no god, there was no Noah's flood, and there will be no armageddon. Time is my witness.
God who??? When you say 'believe', what do you mean. Can anyone prove the existance of god any more definitively than say Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster? Amazing how the definition of god has changed over the centuries. I wonder what god will "look" like in a hundred yrs. NO. I want some kind of evidence before I will believe in anything again. Do we need god to explain how we got here. I don't think so. No more than we needed god to explain the motions of the solar system. Given enough time science will discover the answers. In the meantime I will count on things that are tangible and can be measured, or at least predicted.
This thinking of mine is a direct result of leaving the Borg. I do not want to be that stupid again. I'm sorry if what I say is offensive to some. I do not think that those who believe in god are stupid. I know, that sounds like a contridiction. What I mean is that I will not believe in something that I do not see proof of.
Tim B
...One who won't destroy somebody just because he wasn't in the good religion.
The invention of 'God' was probably the Neanderthal's way of understanding and coming to terms with genetic deficiencies and/or social deviates within their environment.
Mankind has simply perpetuated the myth because for most, thanks to the 'identification' of 'deviate' behavior, guilt and insecurity has been culturally ingrained into the Psyche. For others, 'God' can be lucrative when a 'True' interpretation is used as a controlling mechanism.
My...we've come a long way.
No and Yes. No, as a faithful JW, I look back and really see that I did not believe in God back then. I was using the JW's as an escape from my insecurities and problems. I just took what I was told as "truth" and did not question it, as I was in fear of losing the (imaginary) security of belonging to something. I was told that God was jehovah and blah blah blah and this is what I was supposed to do to be happy and to make others happy. I never had the real oppourtunity to allow myself to explore what God is and if God exists.
I agree with one of the above posters. Once you have been through the JW's, you have learned to be cautious. You have taught yourself to be careful as to what you believe, so as not to fall prey to another hocus pocus medium.
This is where my yes comes in. Now that I have been able to freely think on my own and examine the concept of higher powers, I have been able to come to at least some short term conclusions. As of now, I feel that there MAY or may not be a god. If so, this god really doesn't have a lot to do with humans. But I equally believe that the concept of God may just be a human invention. It may be that god is what you make it in your self. It could be your state of spirituality.
I think the question of god may be one that takes perhaps a lifetime to find out. Perhaps one will never find answers. The more older I get, the more I realize as others have stated, one doesn't really need God in order to live happily and productivly in life.
Sometimes I feel that SOME pple who believe in god are taking the easy way out. Putting blind or so called-proven faith in God can be looked at as a cop out as compared to searching for meaning on one's own. It is possible to have meaning in life without god, but one must work hard to reach it. Does what I just said make any sense? lol
Is there a God? That is a question only we each can answer individually and can ultimatly only find it out for ourselves. It does bring comfort to know that others do feel the same as you do, and have the same struggles as you did in order to get to where you are at. That is the beauty of sharing insights!
Take care,