My mum told me about it. I said "yeah I know, if you'd have paid attention when I was talking to you last week you would have known too!" :) The best bit though, the reason for the change.......wait for it.....armageddon is just around the corner, oh dear.
Response in the UK to announcement?
by sweet pea 14 Replies latest jw friends
The Scotsman
A few near me (Glasgow area) have described the change as "radical" and "surprising".
Though, I have yet to come across someone who was disappointed at the change!!!
Mr. Majestic
Hi Sweet pea,
Apparently there was not much reaction at all from the hall that I used to go to. Bet there was just some light relief, one less meeting.
Happy anniversary BTW. One whole year out of the organisation. How far you have come/gone, whatever.
Hope things are ok with your family (mum and dad).
Best wishes
I can’t believe you were one of those mag servants. Ughh….
Hope that you have come a long way from those days as well………tisk.
SAB, well you see they know I'm a hopeless apostate...
I think they were very shocked to hear that someone within the organisation had provided this information on the internet...
I think the local hall must have made a big deal about this announcement. They also must have made a really big deal about everyone in the world reading it simultaneously etc. because they were TRULY shocked when they discovered that I knew about it.
chicken little
Clapping at the announcement! Hard to believe but at least they were honest. My friend was gob smacked that I knew about it before she did. I told her brothers from bethe´ll leak it onto the net. Shock horror...noooooo