Gee thanks, Governing Body

by easyreader1970 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • easyreader1970

    Now my wife is even more crazed with zeal than ever before. The announcement has proven to her that the end is almost visible. Time has run out! So she claims that we need to prepare to tested! Lord have mercy, the pain and suffering I am going to have for the next few months. I'll subside eventually, a year from now, when nothing else has happened. But who know, maybe they will find another letter to read that will string people on.

    Yes, they have gotten rid of independent thinking at the book studies. That is over. No more socializing with people not of "like minds".

    "I am Locutus of Borg. From this day forward you will service us."


  • momzcrazy

    Yes, I see no more socializing as a real reason for them to stop BS. Maybe there will be assigned brothers in every hall like my old one. After allowing 25 minutes for visiting after meeting Thursday, he would start flickering the lights. Not a minute off, ever!

    I would be wondering about the smaller numbers theory during the GT. I always pictured having clandestine meetings in the bookstudy locations while under persecution.


  • greendawn

    How gullible and naive are they, the change in the book study means that the end is near! Surely they need to sharpen their critical faculty and become more objective. Otherwise the FDS will find it very easy to manipulate them.

  • MissingLink
    The announcement has proven to her that the end is almost visible. Time has run out!

    Remind her that this change wont even start to be implemented for 8 months. Doesn't seem too critical.

  • Casper
    The announcement has proven to her that the end is almost visible

    I don't get this, how does consolidating meetings and freeing up a night... mean the end is near...???

    Guess I am just dense today...


  • easyreader1970

    Apparently it isn't just her. The phone's been ringing alot to day and it's other people who are "recognizing the sign" that the time left is short. Otherwise why do away with a congregation staple?



  • journey-on
    I don't get this, how does consolidating meetings and freeing up a night... mean the end is near...???

    It's like this, Casper. Those that have been tied to this org for so-o-o-o long and have felt the ass-numbing boredom

    of the same old rhetoric year after year, grab at any little change whatsoever to latch on to. The slow moving wheel of

    the governing body turns ever so slightly, and people begin to get excited. "It's moving! It's moving! We're getting

    closer to the end! I can feel it this time." When something changes like the elimination of a whole meeting (even though they say they

    are combining it with the TMS and SM, we interpret it as eliminating the book study), that's a BIG change to them.

    BIG changes in organizational structure and meeting arrangements throws the r&f into their "great tribulation" mode

    and they get plum giddy with excitement that the Big A is right around the corner.

  • Casper

    Thanks Journey...

    I was in for 13 years, (coming from the world, I took everything with a grain of salt, so to speak)... I think I would have had

    a hard time seeing it that way... maybe that's just me. I would probably have thought... "Wow, they're letting up on the reins".

    I understand what you're saying tho... doesn't take much to get them excited does it... lol.

    Oh well... more power to them...


  • Anti-Christ
    How gullible and naive are they, the change in the book study means that the end is near! Surely they need to sharpen their critical faculty and become more objective. Otherwise the FDS will find it very easy to manipulate them.

    I agree, it's sad and scary. I think a good thing to say to someone that would believe anything the org. teaches what if they tell you something that goes against god. They would obviously say that would not happen then you answer back how would you know, you believe that they are the channel of god, once you believe that they can make you believe anything.

  • JoyNichols

    I think it just means another good bowling night.

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