Yes, I saw her and very fortunately I had my camera nearby to snap a photo.
Had to move quickly, she sallied forth like a sparrow.
by kurtbethel 14 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I saw her and very fortunately I had my camera nearby to snap a photo.
Had to move quickly, she sallied forth like a sparrow.
Very nice picture. She is very beautiful ,I remember the pictures that she shared with us on her travels, they too were very beautiful. She has contributed so much here on JWD.
Or is that Maybelline?
Is she blinking in that picture?
--Don't blink!
What a beautiful picture!
hehe Sally Sparrow totally rocks.....she would be the perfect companion, better than anyone else in NuWho (and yes, I loved Rose too).
Thus begins the immortalization of an immortal.
The tales of transcendant visions, of intellectual raptures, of teasings from other more eloquent languages will coalesce into a Woman's Gospel, preaching everlasting freedumb from the large army .......
OH Crappola
Everbody Loves Leo
"She ain't de birgin Mary..."
"Lock up your books, Girl - Ah is a-comin' "
Just realized it sound like the end of the "Apocalypse of John"
I just saw this and thought it a lovely way to say
Merry xmas to Leo beautiful here, and also to
Happy New Year everyone!
Shame about those evil weeping Angels.