My lovely wife is planning for the end of the world now. As I said in a previous topic, she is in a fever over the announcement.
This is a sort of paraphrasing of her commentary:
"Remember when they encouraged us to really get to know the people in our book study and to humbly submit to the arrangement when they were rotating families in book studies to promote fellowship? Now I see why! It was so that we could all get to know each other! Now that they are ending the arrangement, there was wisdom in that since you can't effectively get to know people at the Kingdom Hall! Now it makes sense about the Israelites being given directions though they might not have understood them at the time!"
I was berated, of course, for not doing my part in hanging around after Thursday book study. "You should have been getting to know the friends instead of going to the car!" So now, because I have put the family at risk for not socializing enough, she is gung ho about trying to get to know people at our meeting that we don't already. Wonderful.
Her disfellowshipped and wayward younger sister was at a meeting yesterday as well (not our meeting but one where she lives). She normally goes to a "church of Christendom" but, for some odd reason, she decided to go to the Kingdom Hall. I suspect that she heard about the announcement, but that's just my opinion. My wife, of course, is certain that it was divine inspiration of some kind because now her sister wants to try to "get back in." So her sister is going to start meeting with the elders.
Where is Morpheus when I need him?