Found this on a JW forum
"In our KM for May 2008 page 3.
Under Announcements and last item:
Quote: Please take note that there will be no special invitation
handbill advertising the 2008 district convention. However, we are
planning for a significant global campaign in the near future. Further
details regarding that arrangement will be provided later.
This announcement is in the UK KM, but not in the German KM for German
or English congregations. Anyone know why?
Or is this only for the British field?
That tells you that there will be a special announcement coming soon.
Am not kidding at all. Yes another one.When? I do not know but I
understand it will be this year. Jah's organization is moving ahead
quickly and we to have keep up with it."
Another special announcement coming soon?
by Peppermint 11 Replies latest jw friends
See this thread:
No big deal, just another tract campaign.
Double post
Obvious now, I should have seen it all along....armageddon is actually happening only in the UK.............oompa
Thanks sir82
The Oracle
It would be sad, in a way, watching a religion crumble like this one, if it wasn't for all the pain and suffering they have caused innocent people over the years.
It's come down to desperate attempts to keep everyone's interest. They know they can't go to the well again with another date for Armageddon...they can't even hint at another date related to any bible prophecy whatsoever. That ship has sailed.
What they can do is make special announcements.
Look for more of the same as the months and years roll by. We'll be seeing plenty of special announcements that actually mean jack. They'll even try and spin negative announcements that would normally indicate the religion is crumbling, in to positive messages that somehow will lead us all to conclude that "the end must be close". For example, "we're axing the book study". What was as recently as one year ago, referred to as THE MOST IMPORTANT MEETING OF THE WEEK by our visiting CO has now been cancelled because gas has gone up. Talk about throwing in the towel. But of course, the more imaginative rank and file are all now concluding...the end must be close. LOL.
The new strategy is - throw out a special announcement, it doesn't really matter what it is, and then let the JW faithful start to speculate and jump to conclusions. They'll do a find job on their own of creating some hype...ah...the brilliance of the WT. It's almost admirable, if it weren't so twisted.
The Oracle.
How about those "special announcements" that they've been making at the end of the Memorial talk for the past 5-6 years? It even gets its own special letter to the BOEs from the CCJW:
"The governing body is pleased to announce to all visitors that free home Bible studies are available to all! Please see an attendant if interested."
Wow, didn't see that one coming.
PEPPERMINT- I expect just more mind control drivel to keep the witnesses interested , kind of like what THE ORACLE said. There probably will be more special announcements of various sorts , but mainly in my opinion to exercise " control" over the rank and file members. If the Watchtower society can keep them busy and detained - then none of the witnesses will have time to get on the internet and REALLY educate themselves
Just another waste of paper distribution. It will come in mid fall, straddling two different months like the NR37 did (more easy field circus time, so they can get those borderline ready people out in field circus and inflate those numbers past 7 million).
This time, it is just another crapt. It will be distributed during the campaign. After, it will be rotated among the other crapts. I don't know what they think is so special about their bullsxxx that they need a big promotion every time a little crapt comes out. I think a good number of them are going to end up getting shredded.
Hopefully, the witlesses will spend the better part of their crapt distribution time in Starbucks. That will, at least, keep them from finishing in time. (I hope virtually every single one of them is still unplaced at the end of the campaign). The only bad thing about that is I have pity for the poor waitress at Starbucks that is going to be run around like crazy, and get "tipped" (???????) with a crapt instead of money that she can actually spend paying for gas.
The WTS is not going anywhere.
All I see when I drive by is a packed KH. They're even EXPANDING the parking lot.
Not exactly the tell tale signs of a "crumbling" religion.