It isn't limited to the doctrine, either. Many people are promised better things now (for me, it was the opposite sex. Many have had promises with education, poverty, better health, and a better job that led them in.) And, then they get in, only to find out that they are being led up the ladder. The blessings kick in at the step beyond the one they are on now, which will become the next step beyond that when they do move up.
Then, it hits. It's only a matter of time before they do the exact opposite. Most people looking for a better job get more stagnation and less income. I got closed out from the opposite sex instead of helped. Education is also cut off instead of improved. And many people will get sicker from the stress, poor diet, and cutbacks on exercise once they join. Never do they actually get the promises fulfilled.
A side point is all the activities showcased in the Asleep! magazine. That is another promised item. Once they are in, however, they find out that their time is for field circus, placing more Asleeps containing more showcased activities. At no time do they get to learn to practice their new hobbies.