The basic scriptural argument by the WTS is that since the apostles 'reported' their experiences, it is correct to expect JW's to 'report' their preaching activity on a monthly form. (There are other reasons given for reporting time ,eg, the claim that reporting time helps the elders gauge someones spiritual 'strength', etc. There is not the slightest scriptural precedent for this).
There is a glaring flaw with the Society's line of reasoning.
Since the scriptural record is that only experiences were reported back by the early Christians, the Society therefore only has justification for JW's to report their 'experiences' to each other, not to formerly report their actual time preaching. The apostles and early disciples simply did not report their time, at least we have no scriptural record of them doing that. They only reported the encounters and experiences (the actual scriptures eludes me at present). Since the argument is that Jehovah has had everything written in the bible for a reason, isn't the converse true? If it's not in the Bible as a pattern for Christians, JW's should not have to do it.
The Society has quite clearly gone 'beyond what is written' by having a policy that JW's report their time. There is not the slightest scriptural justification for expecting Christians to have to do, and report on a form, about 10 hours a month preaching. Not only that, if one does not adhere to the policy or only reports 1 or 2 hours a month regularly, they are made to feel guilty and inferior, denied privileges, and often marginalised by the congregation.
This is just another 'burden' and 'heavy load' that has been heaped onto the backs of JW's by the WTS. The GB say they don't wish to 'burden' JW's with anything that is not necessary, just as the first-century 'GB' didn't. Since soaring gas prices has been used a reason to dump the home book study arrangement, isn't the same reason there to remove the unnecessary burden of being expected to go out and do about 10 hours a month? JW's would no doubt be delighted to be relieved of this 'burden'.
What the Society needs to do is this: completely dump reporting of time and instead, have a regular 10 minute session at the end of each service meeting, or even Sunday meeting also, where the congregation are invited to report their 'experiences', following the same simple pattern found in scripture. Although some would obviously desist from going out in FS if time reporting was stopped, having a regular time allotted to bringing one's 'good report' to the congregation in terms of experiences only would still act as as a great motivater and encouraging influence for the congregation to continue preaching. This would also shift the focus away from sheer quantity to quality - only those with interesting experiences will relate them, putting the onus everyone to try harder to start bible studies, have good discussions, etc.
After all, JW's have been brainwashed into thinking that they are 'bloodguilty' if they don't preach and their salvation depends on it (some scripture about saving themselves and those that listen to them), so most I think would remain inclined to at least put in a few hours a month.
Hopefully, monthly reporting of FS/preaching time will be another 'burden' the GB may soon remove (but don't hold your breath on that one folks!)