Who knows the best stuff to use? My daughter gave me two pouches of poison..I put one down - all gone the next morning,!!!
The next night I put another pouch down, all gone!!
last night I put two boxes of poison, & a mouse trap, the cheese has gone from the mouse trap but it didnt spring to catch it???
Any one know a for sure method.??I am desperate, cant sleep...I need your expert opinions.
I have a mouse or Rat!
by mouthy 53 Replies latest jw friends
Oh surprise surprise I see where all the advice adverts showed up ....GREAT!!!!
Deputy Dog
You probably don't have "a" mouse.
You're doing all the right things. Give it a few days.
Rats never come in ones.
There is probably a brood. It's is the time of the year.
It is springtime. I always got rats in April at the old house. Sometimes it was until June when I got all the buggers.
Keep setting the traps, and watch out with poisons and pets.
Mouthy, that's awful! I found this do-it-yourself forum and there are some good ideas there.
I hope you can get rid of it. Call the landlord, too.
I did tell the landlord BFD.. They both hubby & wife came over ,They looked to see where it could get in. Couldnt see where, this is a VERY SMALL place.He was the one to set the trap. I spent 11.00 bucks for all this stuff to kill them, I have only lived here since april. But will move if I get theses things. I cant sleep with rats !!!! Thanks kids! for your help.
I planted a house in the middle of a field, probably hadn't had humans on it since the Indians! So I got a bit overrun with them. I would be watching TV at night and they would sit against the wall watching me! One made a nest in my grandma's couch and had babies. Luckily I have not had one in this new house.
I did the traps with peanut butter, but I put it farther down the trap so they had to step on it to get to the PB.
I also did the glue boards. Got 2 at once! The bad part about that is they will chew their legs off to get free. So you need to get the boards up quickly. I put a papertowel over the mice and hit them with a frying pan.
If you don't have cats you could continue to do the poison too. But if the cat gets a hold of the mice they will get sick too.
Good luck, I hate the filthy buggers!
I planted a house in the middle of a field, probably hadn't had humans on it since the Indians! So I got a bit overrun with them. I would be watching TV at night and they would sit against the wall watching me! One made a nest in my grandma's couch and had babies. Luckily I have not had one in this new house.
I did the traps with peanut butter, but I put it farther down the trap so they had to step on it to get to the PB.
I also did the glue boards. Got 2 at once! The bad part about that is they will chew their legs off to get free. So you need to get the boards up quickly. I put a papertowel over the mice and hit them with a frying pan.
If you don't have cats you could continue to do the poison too. But if the cat gets a hold of the mice they will get sick too.
Good luck, I hate the filthy buggers!
Setting up bait and waiting with a .22 is great fun.
I put a papertowel over the mice and hit them with a frying pan.
Momz IS Crazy!!!!!!!!!!
Holy moly! What a picture! ROFLMAO!
Not half a picture as when I started my riding mower and there was a mouse nest in it. Mouse pieces everywhere!