If and when this entire system collapse's one after another, (time zone) where will the org get the crew to clean-up? When the world traders centers and additional building collapsed at the world trade center, how many people did it take to clean it up? I'm talking about experienced engineers and demoltion crew, etc, etc, etc.? Does the org have experienced clean up crews? Note, these buildings fell were within blocks of each other. Now, if this done on a world wide scale, where the hell will they get enough experienced people to clean-up the mess? This is an awesome feat. What I'm talking about is mind boggling. I've been in the construction trade for 40 years and that's why I'm bringing up this subject.
Any comments?
After Armageddon clean-up
by golf2 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Witnesses are basically a wish club made up of janitors and builders. Is it any wonder that they wish for a gigantic clean up job and a global rebuilding contracting job? These are two things to hope for that the Witness people can understand.
The LORD cleans in mysterious ways.................oompa
Additionally, it will create other problems. It is probably going to be a while before there is electricity, safe drinking water, food, or garbage disposal. It will be similar to Katrina, except Bush will not be to blame for the wretched rescue times. In that time, many will starve, die of heat illness, or get diseases that they will die from that survive the initial Armageddon.
When you include those who will be resurrected that are to be taught plus the routine meeting & study habits, I can't see them working endless hours in cleaning up. How about the dead body odors that will linger on for some time? Is there a plan for such massive undertaking or will they rely on Jah to clean up?
Golf -
I heard a brother speculate that God would dissolve all the concrete............no scriptural reference of course.
How about the dead body odors that will linger on for some time?
I picture a bunch of people walking around with Vick Vaporub under their noses...I watch CSI
For cleannup ideas watch "The Stand" by Stephen King.