I remember going to LOTS of BORING meetings...
I remember gettting up EARLY on Saturday mornings to go "preach"...
I remember Dad being stressed every year about loading up for the convention, driving there, etc....
I remember getting beat by my grandma at the bookstudy as a little guy, because my cousin and I couldn't sit still and be quiet...
I remember going to VERY FEW get togethers, like one every 2 or 3 years, and talking to people I loathed...
I remember feeling alienated at school...
I remember NOT playing sports...
I remember walking around the District Convention, hoping to find a hottie, that wasn't a "super Dub"...
I remember having 3 girlfriends at one District Convention when I was 15...
I remember the look of shock on people's faces when I was married at 18...
I remember my dad begging me not to marry, because my ex was a ZERO...
I remember as a young child, walking around the grounds of the District Convention with my UN-believing grandpa, and him showing me the horses, and cattle at the fairgrounds across the way from the District Convention in Lincoln, NE.
I remember spending money I DIDN'T HAVE to go to District Conventions, and Circuit Assemblies...
I remember my judicial hearings and explaining my sex life to a group of old men...
I remember elders, family and people in the hall not to talk to my DF'd mother, because we would both be "destroyed"...
I remember hearing about how I'd never get out of elementary school, never graduate, never marry...
I remember having to "shun" friends...
I remember my first time of being shunned...
I remember LOTS, and LOTS of new light and LOTS, and LOTS, and BULLSHIT... Those are my memories
BTW, did I mention that I don't miss being a Dub for one second???