I've had several, I don't want to repeat what others of said, so here's a good one.
I remember my third grade teacher saying something about how Huckleberry Finn was "Controversial" for the time. Didn't think much about it.
Believe it or not, in College Literature, one of many books we had to read was "Huckleberry Finn" I love the story, with the 3rd grade teacher's wierd comment in the back of my mind I read carefully trying to understand what was controversial (other than basic racial tension/white shame etc). I get to the part where Huck is on the raft, feeling guilty that he's breaking the law by helping Jim escape, and he says something to the effect that he'll go to hell for doing what he's doing, then he says "(ok)....then I'll go to Hell!" and keeps on with what he "knows" is wrong (helping a slave escape)
I swear to god (hehe), the whole, complete, picture of religion snapped into my head in a split second and I felt sick. (this is years after knowing I wasn't going to be a dubby). The Genesis story is nothing more than a parable written to tell cult/religion members not to question. Do NOT eat "from the tree of knowledge of good and bad" for surely you shall die. Satan says " you shall not die, you will become like god, knowing good AND BAD". Kicked out of "Paradise" (fake world of the religion/cult) for breaking the rule by THINKING FOR YOURSELF.
Who was lying in Genesis, Satan or God? A: They were both telling the truth. Gods arrangement was designed to protect you, and requires unquestioning loyalty or else you will indeed be subject to the knowledge of good and bad and be like god, just as Satan said.
I then knew I was essentially a Satanist (by their (religious people's) definitions). I will and I believe everyone SHOULD eat from the tree. (that's the extent of my Satanic leanings, so don't be concerned)
Lucifer = Light Bearer (in Latin)