You're being a prude. Everyone speaks several dialects of English, and each one is appropriate for different cases. No one, I repeat no one uses standard English in informal settings. If you think you do, you're kidding yourself.
The Butchering of the English Language.
by Low-Key Lysmith 68 Replies latest social current
Errr. It can be hard to pick out an argument in some of your posts 5go. Grammar and spelling would help a lot in your case. For example you say "should of" a lot, when it is "should have" which gets contracted into "should've".
I mean that nicely.
Contractions are not considered proper grammar, and should be used as little as possible, if at all.
Besides JWD is for the most part a social grammar area. Which means if you get your point across it is ok.
Butchering humans is my concern, language? No sweat, it's the times we're living in, we have to accept it whether we like it or not. In this day and age, every thing is thrown of the window.
Golf -
Most of the time the people that complain about improper grammar are trying to shoot holes in an otherwise sound argument.
Which can funny when the accuser forgets some of the basic rules of proper English.
We see.
We see, what? I see a computer screen. A sentence has a subject, verb, and an object. What was your object?
Unless your speaking Japanese. Which goes subject, object, and then verb.
Time for a parsing lesson.
We (subject) see (verb).
What is the (implied) object? 5go - who doesn't really care about butchering the English language.
Contractions are not considered proper grammar, and should be used as little as possible, if at all.
Besides JWD is for the most part a social grammar area. Which means if you get your point across it is ok.
Well OK, but your own often detracts from your point. I mean, you will still be wrong 90% of the time, but at least it will be easier to understand it.
BTW, it is not "should of" but "should have". Sorry, I know I sound like a Nazi, but it annoys me!
The use of "guys" by supposedly educated people. As in, "Thanks, guys" or "OK, guys, dinners ready" . Even "y'all" sounds better than "guys".
Anyone else bothered by this? Noam sayin'?
John Doe
The use of "guys" by supposedly educated people. As in, "Thanks, guys" or "OK, guys, dinners ready" . Even "y'all" sounds better than "guys".
Anyone else bothered by this? Noam sayin'?
You guys need to chill bro. Ain't none of you need to be yanking on my homies and tellen us how we need to communicate. You know what I'm sayin? Standard English is sterile. Dialects are virile. I ain't gonna be bustin my hump just so I can sound like some washed up nerd who's been in books all his life. If you don't like that, I've got a big shiny one you can polish.
What????? I work in a school. You don't think we teach this stuff, do you? We work hard to combat improper English, but how do we possibly have control over the way students speak at home?
Of course I don't think you teach this stuff, but the US Educational system is in shambles. Too many students are put in special education for behavioral problems, kids are being promoted to grades without the ability to read and write properly. Trust me, I have taught at the university level and you would be surprised at undergraduates coming in that can't read and write properly.
I just wanted to add, that speaking and knowing proper standard English is quite differently than spelling and grammar errors. I minored in journalism in college and worked as an editor and even editors sometimes need editors, which is why they have copy editors. Of course, gross mistakes is a sign of a serious deficiency, but I have seen some brilliant minds such professors, teachers on all levels, that make some horrible spelling and grammar issues, at times. Why do you think they invented spelll check?
I do believe and agree that languages are fluid and change over time.
Is aluminium so hard to say?