Apparently my posts are too hard to read. I will try to post with as few words as possible for you uneducated ex witnesses who never got a chance to go to college. Some of you have been more than kind, but a lot of you are just assholes.
Hey guess what?
by sh4m3sh4m3 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, of course I had to look, hope I'm not in the assh**e category!
Ya, but you knew I was talking about you. Didn't ya?
Apparently my posts are too hard to read. I will try to post with as few words as possible for you uneducated ex witnesses who never got a chance to go to college. Some of you have been more than kind, but a lot of you are just assholes. I
If you had some manners maybe we would care a little about what you say Some us do have college degrees and some do not, what matters is who we are not the level of our education David
Didn't ya?
Me? If I wasn't drunk and high on meth I would so take you down. So take you down!
I will keep it short, so I don't waste my time.
You really don't know how to win over friends. Now you will be branded as a total troll.
I wish you well.
I still haven't guessed what? What is there to guess?
I have spelt your name wrong and guess what - you didn't notice!
You really don't know how to win over friends. Now you will be branded as a total troll.