Lets say you are just happily reading a book or newspaper and on the next page the word "Jehovah" will jump out at you (and I mean that it's really there but it just kinda magnifies itself). Samething with Kingdumb Halls. You'll be in a foreign community and drive by one and it's like "Oh my God, a Kingdumb Hall!!"
Does this happen to you?
by dogisgod 10 Replies latest jw friends
Yep. LOL
It still happens to me. Heck, if I hear the name Jehovah on the History Channel, my ears prick up. If I drive by a KH, I still get the willies. I was rather proud of myself last summer, though. I was in my home town and drove right by my old hall and didn't even notice it until I was several miles down the highway.
That just happened to me today. I was listening to "Thievery Corporation" at work and I heard the name "Jehovah" in one of the songs. I'll have to admit, it took me by suprise.
White Dove
I notice it everytime and that old feeling of pride comes up, but then I remember that I'm free. Then, I'm really giddy!
The Lone Ranger
Jehovah is supposed to be God's name but they turned it into a Trademark.
I am the same way, it seems to pop up out of no where.
I can be totally engrossed in something and hear "Jehovah" mentioned on TV, in a sit com or something, and I instantly snap to attention...
And I've been out for 10 years...
Whenever I see a Kingdumb Hell I cringe. I want to drive by as fast as possible so none of the JW germs rub off on me.
My reaction to seeing a kingdum hall is usually *F@#(*&N kingdum hall* and I pass one everyday.
My husband laughs at me when we pass a kingdom hall. Cause when I see one my index fingers instantly go up into a cross shape and I hiss. Just something I feel like doing,lol.
Yeah my ears do pick up and if there are others in my company I de witness. KKluv, I do the hissing thing too Lol