Add something to the FLEA MARKET JW Memory collectibles

by journey-on 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    If the WTS and JWs were to dissolve, I'm sure many of us would have mixed emotions....Elation that a destructive

    cult has finally lost its hold....Joy at seeing family members embracing us as people once again...etc.

    Having been raised in it, I have so many little memories that have come to be like little collectibles on a shelf.

    I'll give you one. If anybody else remember these, I'll be surprised.

    With the demise of the Tues. nite Book Study, I got to thinking about my first memory and remember exactly

    at whose house it was held. I was probably three or four and the book was "Let God Be True". You could buy

    vinyl book covers with a built in vinyl book mark at the top of the spine. My parents always bought them to protect

    the newness of the book. I remember twisting and twisting the vinyl book mark, then letting it go as it slowly unwound

    and I pretended it was a snake on my book. Silly memory but there it is in the margins of my mind filed under "Early

    JW Memories."

    Anybody else have these kinds of flea market collectibles? know, useless stuff but somebody remembers them.

  • journey-on

    Let me add another one before my topic tanks.

    Long wooden tables where you had to stand to eat assembly food on a plastic or vinyl tray with sections where servers put the food. Powdered eggs....yucky!

    Working in the kitchen was supposed to be a really BIG PRIVILEGE!

  • still_in74

    i remember we had soft ice cream at our circuit assemblies. when the food tickets were gone and it was donation only I ate a lot more ice cream!

    The Distict Assemblies had that chocolate pudding that was half frozen so it was like icecream ( a little bit)

    And who could forget all those cong "get-togethers" (dont call it a party!)? Lots of food and Euchre and baseball. Those were always fun....

  • VoidEater

    Fascinating imaginings while sitting in the meeting, staring at the NWT endsheet showing a floorplan of the temple - pretending to wander around, up the steps, into the Holy of Holies...who would be there? what would they look like? what would they be doing? Would Jehovah be there, manifesting as a cloud of smoke?

  • journey-on

    The baptismal pool under the stage at our Kingdom Hall! On hot days, I envisioned them removing the stage and letting

    us kids play in the pool for a little while....never happened!

  • Casper
    Re: Add something to the FLEA MARKET JW Memory collectibles
    I would have added all my convention badges. I was in for 13 years and saved them all.
    Sadly they got thrown out a couple years ago.
  • journey-on

    Wow! Casper.....they were probably collectible to SOMEBODY. I never used to wear mine. They clashed with my fashion

  • alamb

    I'll add my saddle leather service bag. The one sturdy enough to hold 5 sets of mags, 3 books, my Bible and Reasoning books, and 10 NH mags. And my wore out heels that carried me on that useless mission.

  • journey-on

    Anybody remember bumper stickers advertising the convention. I remember the ones when I was a kid were 8 days long!!! It would take

    days to get there, then as you got near the convention city, you would begin to see lots of cars with the bumper stickers and you knew

    these were your BROTHER AND SISTERS. Sorry, folks, back then I would get chill bumps seeing them.

  • Casper
    Wow! Casper.....they were probably collectible to SOMEBODY


    Dang..!! Are you kidding ? That never even entered my mind... (slaps forehead)...!!!



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