If the WTS and JWs were to dissolve, I'm sure many of us would have mixed emotions....Elation that a destructive
cult has finally lost its hold....Joy at seeing family members embracing us as people once again...etc.
Having been raised in it, I have so many little memories that have come to be like little collectibles on a shelf.
I'll give you one. If anybody else remember these, I'll be surprised.
With the demise of the Tues. nite Book Study, I got to thinking about my first memory and remember exactly
at whose house it was held. I was probably three or four and the book was "Let God Be True". You could buy
vinyl book covers with a built in vinyl book mark at the top of the spine. My parents always bought them to protect
the newness of the book. I remember twisting and twisting the vinyl book mark, then letting it go as it slowly unwound
and I pretended it was a snake on my book. Silly memory but there it is in the margins of my mind filed under "Early
JW Memories."
Anybody else have these kinds of flea market collectibles?......you know, useless stuff but somebody remembers them.