Elitist Blueprint For World Government Revealed

by What-A-Coincidence 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence


    Elitist Blueprint For World Government Revealed New book written by insider - 6,000 globalists control the planet and plan to completely end national sovereignty, manifesto for dealing with "antiglobalist" resistors unveiled

    Paul Joseph Watson / Prison Planet | May 1, 2008

    A new book written by a leading globalist luminary provides a blueprint for how 6,000 elitists plan to completely end national sovereignty, impose a system of global governance, and how they will deal with an international network of people that resist their agenda.

    Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making is a manifesto for how the elite plan to shape the course of the planet and impose a new world order while combating the inevitable "global network of antiglobalists" who will rise up against it.

    The author of the book, David J. Rothkopf, is a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and has previously served as the Deputy Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade during the administration of Bill Clinton before he became managing director of Kissinger and Associates in January 1996.

    A Salon.com review alarmingly details the brazen premise of Rothkopf's book - a global elite now run the planet and have usurped the power of national governments while ensuring laws constrained by borders are all but obsolete.

    (Article continues below)

    "Each one of them is one in a million. They number six thousand on a planet of six billion. They run our governments, our largest corporations, the powerhouses of international finance, the media, world religions, and, from the shadows, the world’s most dangerous criminal and terrorist organizations. They are the global superclass, and they are shaping the history of our time," states the promo for the book.

    The threadbare notion that Rothkopf's book is a critical and impartial investigation of the global elite can be rejected out of hand just by looking at the author's biography - in reality he is a cherished insider.

    Throughout the book Rothkopf fawns over the global elite of which he too is a member. The Salon review notes his "palpable thrill" at "recognizing CEOs, oil company executives and Harvard professors on his way to a fondue restaurant," in the globalist enclave of Davos, Switzerland and his obsession with listing every banal "achievement" of each elitist he speaks with.

    According to the article, the kind of elitist celebrated in Rothkopf's book "have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite's global operations."

    Rothkopf himself concurs that laws and regulations defined by borders and nation states are obsolete and need to be replaced not by a global government but by "global governance". The fact that the ultimate goals of the two - the total elimination of national sovereignty - are essentially identical is not lost on globalists who know that a more subtle imposition of centralized control needs to be enacted in order to con the serfs into sacrificing their identity. A sharply defined "world government" is too visceral a concept and would attract fierce opposition, therefore a method of forcing countries to adopt harmonized policies of "global governance" is the new approach that globalists have embarked on.

    Rothkopf ominously expresses the plan to mandate the "Registration and management of Internet domain names (via a collection of organizations)" under a global umbrella, which the informed will recognize as a bastardized version of Internet 2, where individuals require government permits to operate a website under tight regulation.

    The article concedes that, "Rational as it may sound to set up such systems, they just aren't directly answerable to the populace at large -- they're undemocratic," which Rothkopf admits will give rise to rebellions and pave the way for more people like Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, who he labels as being part of "the global network of antiglobalists," and a man who has "made political theater out of taunting and thwarting the global elite."

    Rothkopf's answer to the inevitable antagonism that will be directed towards the globalists as their agenda unfolds is to hoodwink the commoners into thinking they have influence in the new world order that is being built around them - a method otherwise known as the Delphi Technique, which is universally recognized as an underhanded and unethical ploy of achieving consensus through deception.

    According to Rothkopf the, "Superclass ought to be smart enough to foresee any such crisis and head it off by doing more to make the currently disenfranchised feel like "stakeholders" in the new global order."

    The fact that the same elitists Rothkopf affords such sycophantic adulation are also personally responsible for the policies that result in the slaughter of untold millions and the misery of countless others across the globe matters little to Rothkopf, who also has no qualms about including Osama Bin Laden in a group of 6,000 "global elite" who now control the world and "whose connections to each other have become more significant than their ties to their home nations and governments."

    Superclass maintains that the elite, who mainly comprise "older males of European descent who graduated from prestigious Western colleges," are "an improvement on those of the past," but this rings hollow when we consider the state of the planet that they have crafted.

    A million-plus dead Iraqis since 2003, a global economy in chaos and individual freedom under attack in every corner of the world suggests the much-vaunted global elite - worshipped in Rothkopf's book as saviors of the Earth - are more accurately parasites and a cancer upon humanity.

    Watch Rothkopf give a lecture on the power of the global elite. He identifies Bohemian Grove as a key meeting venue for the globalists. Decide for yourself whether he is a fawning sycophant or an objective critic. Rothkopf creates a false paradigm by claiming that freedom is at the opposite end of the scale to justice and essentially argues that the world's problems can only be solved by moving away from freedom towards justice, which is a complete contradiction in terms.

    Rothkopf's approach is to blame the world's problems on free-market capitalism and and imply that global elitists are a new phenomenon and therefore part of the solution, when in reality the elite created monopoly capitalism and have been a hidden-hand manipulating world events and offering solutions to problems they created for centuries.

  • jaguarbass

    If you like going down this road, check out David Icke, and Alex Jones.

    Think about it. Those that have the gold make the rules.

    They are trying to make the purpose and meaning of life to enforce their view and will on us the working man, the worker bees.

    It's been going on since the begining of history, kings had serfs and peasants.

    Now the kings are more organized thanks to the information age and technology.

  • Fadeout

    This guy cannot be both correct and alive.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    David Icke? How can you take a man seriously who believes there are giant alien lizards walking amongst us pretending to be humans. Pah.

  • jaguarbass

    David Icke? How can you take a man seriously who believes there are giant alien lizards walking amongst us pretending to be humans. Pah. He reports that people have seen Bush and the royal family shape shift into lizards. And he gives the names of those who have seen it. I havent seen where he said they are giants. Bush isnt a Giant. You can leave the Lizards out of it, and Icke says the same things as Alex Jones and all of the other people who talk about conspiracies. I think Icke is trying to tell you that the alien lizards are the biblical Nephalim. The fallen angles, who are now demons running this world. David Ickes regurgitating a lot of stuff from the bible and from the wac tower society only he says the Wac Tower Society is one of the bad guys. Demon inspired even. Anyways, Icke is a writer and he has gathered up information and evidence of a conspiracy. HIs conspiracy has lizards. This is a life of possibilities and He is putting forth his explanation of what is going on. If your a pragmatic materialist than Icke and conspiracy theories probably arent your cup of tea.

  • IP_SEC

    World rulership has been the goal of every power since... hell, the beginning of time. Duh. I dont know why people find this so far fetched and hard to believe. Even in 'free' countries we exist only as slaves. We are taught from day one in school to be subservient. If you dont play ball you end up imprisoned. Now there is a whole world of sheep out there ready for to be fleeced and slaughtered.

  • Gill

    Worrying but not surprising.

    It has become obvious that we are being manipulated, robbed, watched, used and misused, lied to by whoever is in charge of the governments.

    Take for example, Global Warming!

    This is being countered by scientists and academics all over the world but they are continually shouted down by the 'Big Boys' because telling everyone that it is their fault that the world is 'heating up' and that 'we're all going to fry', and so to continue doing what they are doing, ie using oil, driving their cars, heating their homes etc means they MUST GIVE MORE MONEY TO THE GOVERMENTS AND THE OIL CONPANIES, is the only way to save the planet!

    Come on! What a load of tosh! The only way, if that were true, would be to throw massive amounts of that same cash into alternative fuel but NO! The rich get richer and continue to leech like the parasites that they are from the poorer worker bees!

    France had a similiar problem hundreds of years ago! They knew how to solve it!

    Time to get out Madame la Guillotine and execute the parasites!

    The world will only take so much abuse.

    One day, the worm will turn, and I wouldn't want to be one of those 'Super Six Thousand' then!

  • Robdar

    Okay. Maybe this information is true. Maybe it's false and nothing but fear mongering. Who knows? But, for the sake of argument, let's say it is true. What are we supposed to do about it? I'd be interested in hearing some answers.

  • S3RAPH1M

    These shills just present the problems and not the solutions.

  • IP_SEC

    The only solution is an uprising that'd make Gill's French Revolution seem like a walk in the park. Thats why no one suggests a solution.


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