I took the video posted of two "pioneers" and redid it. Let me know what you think. I have a whole series planned for it. W.Once
Pioneer stroll video re-edited and redubbed, opinions?
by Wasanelder Once 17 Replies latest jw friends
You made me laugh, It was very funny! ,
That was great!
I really should start subscribing....
To the initiated, it sounds like a real conversation that would be had by two dubs in service. Good job, funny.
Boy, that ever shows the urgency with which the witlesses are preaching! Slow plodding down the street, and at that at a house that they know no one is home. Of course, the opening song is nothing but sxxx.
We we need a video with what they were REALLY thinking.
A van in the driveway? I bet they were HBH--home but hiding.
Isn't amazing how much "new light" inactive people have to be told when only being 2 years.
When they gave "sermons" they also used about 8 scriptures. The Bible Topic booklet used to be called the Sermon Outline.
*** km 9/70 p. 3 par. 5 How Are They Doing? Can You Help? ***Do they need help to be effective in the house-to-house work, possibly assistance in preparing to work with the sermon?
I was only a JW for 4 years before being df'd, but one thing that stuck out in my head when I first started going to meetings was a talk by a brother and him saying that all the anointed would die before the end. There was a sister in the crowd that believed she was one of the anointed and I sat there thinking how scared she would have to be, I genuinely felt sorry for her. Then a couple of years later I see this sister at a get together and I mentioned this talk and kind of inquired a bit about this. Everyone in the room said, no that's not how it is gonna happen, or something to that effect. So I sat there thinking, did I misunderstand this? It turns out that the "new light" had come and I guess I must have missed that announcement!! I never really put two and two together until I come to this message board and then it all makes sense, no one said anything because they didn't want to admit that there was actually a mistake by the GB.
Very funny!!
Great video, conversations like those happen ever so often.
When I started fading I meat up with a d'f person. He said he wants to get reinstated, since the generation has almost died out and time is running out. I told him, thats not what we teach. He insisted we do and showed me the liveforever book with its definite statements. I asked if he has the wt volume '95, found the article and asked him to take a look...fts