I don't think we are "hyper-sensitive" over changes. Some may exaggerate some of the changes that have occurred, others have just had a mention in passing.
But something like the "Book study" change, makes us take notice. Especially to those of us who had been JWs for many many years. When you have constantly been told that the "provisions" provided by the FDS are constant and unchanging. That just before I left 9 years ago, that you are told that the "Book study groups" are a mainstay of the congregation. That they will be important when the Great Tribulation comes. They will be how brothers/sisters will keep in touch, because the Kingdom Halls will probably be shut down by the nations.
Then you hear that they are doing away with the groups. This is big news to some of us. A major meeting is done away with! It was the centre were the weeks field service was arranged and any other arrangements dealt with. Does the change mean that the Elder of that group is going to have to run around at the KH telling the "group" members were they are meeting? Or wil they find a mean of puuting something up on the notice board for all groups. I can just see brothers/sisters walking out after the meeting not knowing were field service will be held.
But until we actually hear how it will be done we can only guess.
Also I think that many brothers/sisters will miss having others at their home for that evening. I have a feeling that my wife will, even though the numbers have dropped in recent years. It was a time to show what a "good" hospital JW they were.