Who gets to decide what is appropriate? If they are comfortable in their skin and are clothed enough that my kid doesn't get a sex ed lesson from looking at them then I say more power to em! If you don't like what they are wearing then look awayyyyy looookkkkkk awwwwaaaaayyyyyy.....
Just because you can find it in your size....
by Wordly Andre 60 Replies latest jw friends
Personaly,I dont care what people wear.Most people stick w/generic costumes found in malls.i can always'look away"!!!!Love to see more sixties stuff tho,posh velvets,fringy things,great hair.size shouldnt be any problem,but i agree that its nice to not have skin showing.dont really need to see tramp stamps and muffin tops,nor shiny shaved bald heads{shudder}..but each to thier own,ya know?
their...not thier...
What we meant by appropriate is something which doesn't show too much (which you appear to agree with - your comment regarding sex ed)
Of course if someone wants to show too much that is their choice, but all I'm saying (and I think this is what others were saying) is that if they do this, they look damned awful. If they want to go around looking hideous its up to them, but they can't complain when their dress choices ostracise them from others (because others are too embarressed to look, or too grossed out to look!)
Of course apart from that, it doesn't matter what *style* someone chooses.
I don't see how making observations like this are "judgemental".
i had this friend that i used to work with...... his girlfriend always came to pick him up from work. she was a very nice girl, funny and sweet...... and latina. every single day she came to pick him up.... she was wearing clothes like you describe..... except she was just really curvy and i would guess maybe 20 or 30 lbs overweight. Now im all for people wearing what they want...... for one reason it gives me something to chuckle at.....(and they at me wearing drab neutral colors) and because its interesting to see what someone THINKS looks good on them. I love the crazy as hell hair people roll in with and the jacked up makeup or colors they wear.
this girl looked trashy, but she was a very nice girl and my friends gf so i said NOTHING lol. about six months after working with him i got approached by a nice looking young latina girl asking where my friend was.......and i remember thinking that this girl better be related to his gf or he is in some hot water......... cause she was cute as hell............ then it hit me like a ton of bricks....... this WAS his gf. She had gotten a job somewhere and now she had to pick him up so he could watch their kids and go straight to work......... and they had a dress code.
i never had an issue (like it would have mattered if i did) with the minis and the halters she wore.. i just thought that she had a bit to much junk in her trunk to wear something so revealing..... and she wasnt half as bad as many i have seen. it was totally shocking to me to see her wearing a size 12 or 14 instead of the 8 or 10(probably 6 or 8) she was wearing before. when her clothing fit her properly the way it was designed....... she looked awesome.
but then again thats my prefered way..... if my wife wants to wear something a bit to revealing.... i prefer it to be when were at the house....... when were out i would want her to wear properly sized clothes(and she wouldnt dare wear anything she thought made her look heavy). belive me i do applaud a pair of short shorts....... just not in public lol. unless your a dang hooters girl lol.
What we meant by appropriate is something which doesn't show too much (which you appear to agree with - your comment regarding sex ed)
"we"? So you are the group spokes person? I guess I missed the election. IMO show to much apparently means different things to different people.
Of course if someone wants to show too much that is their choice, but all I'm saying (and I think this is what others were saying) is that if they do this, they look damned awful. If they want to go around looking hideous its up to them, but they can't complain when their dress choices ostracise them from others (because others are too embarressed to look, or too grossed out to look!)
Again I guess because you find something hideous it must be, eh? Oh wait I forgot you were speaking for everyone...my bad.
Of course apart from that, it doesn't matter what *style* someone chooses.
Good to know I was thinking I needed to run all my clothing selections by you for approval.
I don't see how making observations like this are "judgemental".
Of course you don't.
What about these observations....
it was like a flesh avalanche, there were dimples on the side of her ass. I'm never really shocked at how people come to court but this was horrible, and what is up with eye liner around the lips instead of wearing lipstick. She caught me looking at her and smiled at me oh man I wish I had a camera. Do any of you know my pain? My poor freaking eyes
size 22, lots of cellulite, and the fabric was thinner and...flesh colored. My eyes haven't recovered either.
she certainly was a freak show
I guess some people don't look in the mirror before leaving the house
Just a few select quotes...not judgemental of anyone at all are they? I wonder when you say these things about people if it makes you feel better about yourself? Do you ever wonder about their lives...why they make the choices they do? Or do you just snicker to your friends and feel oh so proud that you are sooo much better than them?
The fact I even have to say this really makes you wonder....
xenu...stay in your cage
Maybe some dub left in folks..Personaly,I was always being counseled for inappropriate attire..Makes me paraniod about judging folks now.Bring on the freak show,but puhleeese bathe..or not....
Wow, now I know who made the best witnoids in the cult by this thread.
Pregnant women do look beautiful but I for one would like to see someone with stretch marks on the cover of a magazine. Also, I'd like to see swollen feet, and the host of other unsightly stuff that happens to a lot of pregnant women.
Real people have warts moles and stretch maks.