Congregation Book Study Adjustment - A Marvelous Benefit for Jehovah's Witnesses
Readers of this blog will note articles that present for critical examination certain teachings, guidelines and procedures of the Watch Tower Society, as they affect the people known as Jehovah's Witnesses. However, it is my belief that fair coverage must acknowledge the good along with criticizing the bad. It is in that spirit that this essay is written.
On April 27, 2008 (or some time during that week), a letter from the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses was read to all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. In most congregations, this immediately followed the normally scheduled Watchtower Study for that week. Slightly modified arrangements were made to have the letter read to those congregations that had a Circuit Overseer visit, or were attending a Circuit Assembly or Special Assembly Day. In essence, the letter stated that the Congregation Book Study is to be renamed the Congregation Bible Study, and incorporated into one overall meeting with the Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting. The new Congregation Bible Study will be 25 minutes in length, the Theocratic Ministry School will be reduced to 30 minutes, and the Service Meeting to 35 minutes. In total, including songs and prayers, the new combined meeting will be 1 hour and 45 minutes in length, exactly the same as the present Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting arrangement.
Make no mistake that this is a watershed change in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses. I know for a fact that this change has been talked about for at least several years, perhaps even a decade or more. But, largely having to do with the very issue of control, no action was taken. It is my belief that this change is a genuinely benevolent move on the part of the Governing Body. Frankly, I wasn't sure that I would see it in my lifetime.
Various theories have been propounded on certain forums as to possible ulterior motives for this move, but I have a hard time accepting these.
For example, it has been proposed that the move could have been due to potential liability with respect to child molestation. I have no knowledge of whether any attempt at child abuse has ever been made at an actual Congregation Book Study meeting. However, such a thing seems rather far fetched, given the number of people present. Further, a word search of the entire series of court records documented by Barbara Anderson did not unearth any instances of an allegation of child abuse occurring specifically in connection with any Congregation Book Study. Finally, it is likely that meetings for service may well continue in this format, although that remains to be seen.
A second example is that this move was actually undertaken to tighten control. This theory proposes that too much "independent thinking" was taking place at the Book Study, and that this can be reined in at the Kingdom Hall. Here's my question: What is to stop all the "independent thinkers" from now getting together on the former Book Study evening and having even more "independent" discussions, now free of any control or censorship?
In contrast, whatever one thinks of the Watch Tower Society, if one still has any love for the people known as Jehovah's Witnesses, this must be acknowledged as a good change. Here are just a few of the benefits that immediately come to mind.
Less Travel Time and Cost - Let's be honest. For many Witnesses this is not an issue. Many in the USA and other developed countries live within 5 - 10 minutes of their Book Study location. It must be remembered that, by design, Book Study locations are in most cases closer to a publisher's home than the Kingdom Hall. However, in rural areas, publishers still often have to travel great distances to attend. Many Bethelites have for years endured long subway commutes to their Book Study locations, depending on which congregation they are associated with. Even more challenging are the circumstances in developing or third-world countries, where it is not at all uncommon for publishers to walk, sometimes literally for hours. All for a one-hour meeting. What a marvelous change this is for such Witnesses.
Ability To Access Further Education - Readers of other posts on this blog will quickly discern my interest in this topic. This opens up one more mid-week evening on which a Witness can take advantage of an evening course, whether classroom-based or online, to obtain necessary education to maintain, enhance, or possibly even attempt to change his secular employment. Of course, the letter from the Governing Body clarified that family heads might well use this time to ensure they conduct a family study. However, it has always been the suggestion that this take place. So, many families already have a family study on another evening, thus genuinely freeing the former Book Study evening for other uses. It is my hope that many Witnesses ponder this concept, as opposed to simply watching television one more evening.
Less Employment Conflicts In an Increasingly 24x7 World - One of my concerns for many years about the existing meeting schedule is that in so many areas it limits the employment options for faithful Witnesses, particularly those who are not highly educated. Witnesses have long been told that--if they truly trust in Jehovah--they will turn down employment that conflicts with scheduled congregation meetings. Much work these days does not fall within the hours of 9-to-5. Witnesses who must rely on alternate shifts and the like now only have one weeknight evening they have to work around. This, of course, may still prove problematic. But certainly less so than before. It will also lessen the number of meetings that Witnesses who are occasionally required to travel for work will be forced to miss, with all the attendant negative implications.
Less Demands on Congregation Elders - It can easily be forgotten how heavy are the demands that congregation elders carry. The shortened Bible Study, and the arrangement for rotation of conductors, will help here. Also remember that elders have to travel as far and spend as much on fuel as everyone else, so these benefits accrue to them as well.
More Time For Families - As outlined earlier, nothing in this post should be taken to minimize the suggestion that family heads conduct a family study. The benefit, though, is that an additional evening has been freed for this time. Another reality is that homework loads have increased for students in many learning environments. This also frees additional time for parents to provide additional assistance to their children. Or, families can engage in simple family bonding, a "pizza and ice cream" night out, or so many other possibilities.
In summary, this writer, and most everyone he knows among Jehovah's Witnesses, welcome this change and are deeply grateful to whatever combination of forces and influences were able to bring this to reality.
Congregation Book Study Adjustment - A Marvelous Benefit for Jehovah's Witn
by whereami 10 Replies latest jw friends
In my opinion, if the GB sent a letter to the congregations to tell them to stand on their heads, Jehovah's Witnesses, would welcome this change and are deeply grateful to whatever combination of forces and influences were able to bring this to reality. No offence intended to you, you have your opinion and are entitled to it.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Death To the wacthtower!
Death To their Governing body of Perverted Old Molesting Swine! -
Wasanelder Once
Let us all rejoice at the new arrangement of three meetings in one night. Little children will especially rejoice as they must sit still and have their copy of all the books in hand. Now there will be one mega meeting. Experience has shown that large class sizes lead to poor learning environments. The only good thing about this arrangement is the fact that soon the numbers will plummet. It will be a snorefest. W.Once
Something tells me that they don't really care about work conflicts. They will take the 8 months to figure out how to waste the witlesses' time so they cannot plan to work those nights or go to cxxxxxx (the dirty word that Losch was so down on last year--D.E.A.D.). Instead they want to control people, eliminate the last vestige of fun, sanitize commenting, and provide a night for field circus so the witlesses can bother people while they are trying to have dinner.
personally i still think its to fulfil some kind of criteria, over here the charity commission seems to be toughening up on its requirements a tad.
http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/library/investigations/pdfs/rsinotes.pdf guidance notes of incidents where incidents should be reported.
does this make the charity in question answerable if there is an accusation of impropiety towards say a child?
does this mean that if theres an incident the charity would have to report it to the charity commission in order not to lose any of their charitable status?
whereas the borg requires the incidents of child molestation only to be reported in the places where the law requires...does this mean that the local halls in u.k would have no excuse for not letting the charity commission know about serious incidents?
if theyre toughening up on the 'incidents' does this mean that people who would have normally held the groups been required to have crb checks? (if not now but maybe later)
does this mean that 'trustees' of charities in the uk are more accountable for their 'volunteers' ?
WasanelderOnce: Let us all rejoice at the new arrangement of three meetings in one night.
Just found out from my unfortunately ever improving Bethel connections that this has already been implented for awhile in many congreations tied to Bethel. To consolidate travel costs these poor unfortunates are having their BS after the WT study or Service Meeting! While it is supposed to be full length, I would bet my bottom dollar that they are finding ways to already magically shorten the WT and CLimaX.....well maybe they would not want to shorten the Climax!..................oompa
yadda yadda 2
I guess if you are a fully committed, active JW you would see it that way and fair enough.