If you are a religious person, would you consider yourself humble?
If you are non religious, do you still feel those with religion show a higher level of humility than others in society?
On the face of it, I feel most would answer in the affirmative.
But breaking it down, I find it harder and harder to accept. In fact, I'd call it the opposite of humility. I'd call it arrogance.
Not every religious person will believe these things, so this is not a generalisation. Thinking about it, anyone who says 'well that's not my belief!' to anything in this list may still be assuming to know better than those who do believe these things. I'll pre-empt you here: possibly even some atheists.
What may a religious person believe?
That they are worshipping the correct god. They've narrowed down the list of gods, which runs into the thousands, to just one. All without any research into these other gods! Based on pure assumption. It doesn't matter that millions believe in other gods, or millions used to believe in gods that are no longer popular. As long as a god is being worshipped in society at the point in time they happen to be born, it's up for the taking. No questions asked.
That they will live forever. Not only have the picked the right god, they know how this god prefers to be worshiped, and worshipping this god in the correct way will ensure they live forever. Is it humble to think you're going to survive your own death and carry on existing in a perfect realm, even though other humans won't, our sun will roast planet Earth and eventually our galaxy will collide with another galaxy? Even though these other things are finite, believers don't believe they are.
That they are a god's favourite creation. Those who accept evolution are even more arrogant for thinking this. They understand that for millions of years, there were lifeforms without bodies, then lifeforms with bodies, which evolved for millions more years until modern mankind came on the scene 120,000 years or so ago. They know that dinosaurs existed much longer than them, they may even be aware that modern humans almost went extinct at one point. Yet they still feel that even though they're related to all species on the planet, their god likes them better. Even though it took billions of years to 'create' them.
Those who don't accept evolution are assuming to know better than the best scientific minds in the world. Whatever evidence is shown them, their 'humble' beliefs say humans were created in their present form just a few thousand years ago.
Real humility is open to change. Arrogance is not. I could develop this further, but I'll leave it there for now. Feel free to add any more ways you feel religious people are 'humble'. For the religious, am I wrong for thinking this? You do claim to know who the creator of the universe is, and what plans that creator has for all of us, even though you base this on 'faith' - assumptions based on no good reasons. How can I not see this as anything other than arrogant?