glad to hear you can see the good of discussion on JWD, jehovahsheep.
HB, the first time I heard of that was through an old time jw. It only goes to show how the WTS puts out concepts that they are afraid to put in the publications but are considered valid WTS doctrine and not to be disputed. I don't think I could have been silent.
Thanks for taking time to read, outofthebox.
mrsemcmike, I think I posted an article by jwfacts in my comments that explored the divorce stats in the WTS.
oompa, actually the WTS is sex-mad. It dictates what should be a decision between husbands and wives; is more concerned about masturbation than the lack of Christian love in the congregations.
bronzefist, yes women can pick out their husband's tie but not if they have children or not. I saw women told to adjust to their jw husband's abusive behavior because he is the head after all. After all women are mentally deficient because they have a hormonal response once a month. But are still considered deficient even after menopause. It is been shown that men are in hormonal flux 24/7. No I don't like the way women are treated as second class humans, inside the WTS and outside.
BTL, sorry to hear about your experience. I found though that jw men trifled more with women's emotions having a larger field to trifle with. I hope you are happier now.
jws are rewarded for group stupidity.
Thanks everyone for your comments.
Love, Blondie